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ISR: Interrupt Service Routine Program will be interrupt driven.

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3 ISR: Interrupt Service Routine Program will be interrupt driven


5  All concept selections are working as discussed in previous review.  All concepts selected via benchmarking parameters including: ◦ Cost ◦ Reliability ◦ Previous Experience (Familiarity) ◦ System Integration

6  Functioning Midas Unit  Microcontroller  Breakout Board and Headers  Battery Backup w/ Holder  Display  Sample Containers w/ Sample Ball Bearings

7  Interface Buttons (Spec’d )  Coils (Currently Researching) ◦ Awaiting Cost Estimate from Renco  Ferrite Cores (Spec’d from CMI Ferrite) ◦ Awaiting Estimate and Lead Times  Sheet Metal Housing ◦ Top Vendor: Klein Steel ◦ Machine In-House For Cost Savings



10  Microcontroller has been run with test code to verify proper function.  Received hardware has been checked for system integration: ◦ All subsystems are compatible  Numerous tests have been run on current Midas analog circuitry to validate that it will not need excessive updating.

11  6 buttons have been designed for the monitor ◦ 4 directional buttons: Up, down, left, and right ◦ Enter button ◦ Cancel button  Buttons will control the device interface ◦ Retrieve old samples ◦ Run calibration ◦ View sample measurement and data


13 Compresses 0-10V output from Midas System to 0-2.8V Necessary for ADC on the microcontroller

14  Testing the ADC capabilities ◦ Run sample data through ADC and verify accuracy against gathered voltage data on Midas circuitry  Verify Proper LCD Function  Test Measurement Coil Range ◦ After fully spec’d, ordered, and received, known samples encompassing 0-20,000ppm range will be run to verify accuracy.  Housing Splash Test ◦ Sheet metal housing w/ gaskets will be put through a water spray test without components inside to verify it meets IP55 Standards.

15 New Risks: None Current Top Risks: Incorrect Coil Specs Impact: Wasted Time and Money Solution: Improve Testing Methods and Research Data does not fall on predictive curve Impact: Wasted time and money Solution: Research Methods on improving Midas Full Risk Chart Available on Edge

16  Freescale uses Thin Film Transistor (TFT) Technology  50k-300k write cycles  Using 50 work weeks and 5 days a week -> 250 work days Note: Number of writes/day for a single flash address

17  Currently writing an interrupt based UART model ◦ Configuring the compiler to for C++ ◦ Configuring hardware interrupt registers  Next step: Integrate the ADC

18  Based on Midas design  Larger in all dimensions  Addition of interface buttons  Larger LCD


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