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Athena Athena was: tall, strong, graceful and had gray eyes. She also liked owls. From the beginning of her being born she was a pretty amazing goddess,

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2 Athena Athena was: tall, strong, graceful and had gray eyes. She also liked owls. From the beginning of her being born she was a pretty amazing goddess, even though her birth was quite unusual. She also was the guardian of Athens.

3 What was she the goddess of ? Athena was the goddess of wisdom, war strategies, justice, reason and the arts. She taught people about arts and crafts. She even taught them how to think clearly and live well. As her favorite animal was an owl, she was often seen with one. So owls became the symbol of wisdom.

4 How Athena was Born Zeus-the farther of gods and goddess- was also Athena’s father. Her mother was a mortal named Metis. Older gods had warned Zeus that he would be in trouble if Metis gave birth to a daughter. So swallowed Metis whole. When it came time for Athena to be born, she sprang full grown out of Zeus's head. She was also completely dressed in armor, as she always would be. She also carried a shield and a spear. As you might guess about a women in armor, she was a great warrior.

5 Athena vs. Poseidon Athena didn’t get along with the sea god Poseidon. For one thing, they were often rivals over one thing or another. Once the people of a new city were looking for a god to watch over and protect them. Athena and Poseidon both wanted the job. To impress the city’s citizens, the two gods gave them gifts. Poseidon struck the ground with his three- pointed spear, and water pored out. The water turned into a river that flowed into the sea. Poseidon told the people to build ships to sail to the sea. He said that they could travel everywhere. They could become the most powerful people on Earth.

6 The citizens were indeed impressed. But then Athena told them to taste the water. It tasted awful. It was saltwater, which is impossible to drink. Then Athena gave the citizens her gift. When she hit the ground with her spear, a tree magically grew up within seconds. She explained that it was a special tree- an olive tree. Its wood was good both for building houses and for heating their houses in winter. Better still, the tree’s little green fruits, called “olives,” were delicious. And oil made out of the olives was useful for cooking. The citizens liked Athena’s gift better than Poseidon's. Not only did they choose Athena to watch over them, they named the city after her. They called it Athens. Poseidon left in a huff, causing a serious flood on his way. But the Athenians weren’t bothered very much. With Athena’s help, their city grew to be strong and wealthy. Athens became one of the greatest cities of all time. Today it’s the capital and largest city of Greece.

7 Historical facts about Athens Here are some historical facts about the city of Athens: Athenians did their best to make their city live up to its name. Inspired by their tales about Athena’s wisdom, Athens became a center of civilization. Athenians turned their city into the worlds first democracy. Athenians wrote the worlds first plays, both comedies and tragedies. Those plays were preformed in an open air theater. They are still popular today. Some of history's greatest thinkers were Athenians. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were the city’s most famous philosophers. The worlds first historians, Herodotus and Thucydides, lived in Athens.

8 Athenians created some of the world’s most beautiful buildings. The ruins of its most famous temple, the Parthenon, are still standing today. The Parthenon once held a large statue of Athena. The Athenians Hippocrates is said to be the father of medicine. He wrote a famous oath that is still spoken by doctors today.

9 What is the symbol of wisdom? 1. Donkey Donkey 2. Owl Owl 3. Duck Duck 4. Horse Horse 5. Tiger Tiger How was Athena born? 1. out of Zeus's headout of Zeus's head 2.In a riverIn a river 3.In the middle of nowhereIn the middle of nowhere Who did Athena argue with? 1.HeraHera 2.ZeusZeus 3.PoseidonPoseidon What was Athena the Goddess of ? 1.Wisdom and war strategiesWisdom and war strategies 2.Love and beautyLove and beauty 3.Child BirthChild Birth What was Athena dressed in when she was born? 1.ArmorArmor 2.PajamasPajamas 3.NothingNothing

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