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Greek Mythology Intro to the places and gods Places Related to Mythology Mt. Olympus The River Styx Earth The Underworld The Underworld.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Mythology Intro to the places and gods Places Related to Mythology Mt. Olympus The River Styx Earth The Underworld The Underworld."— Presentation transcript:


2 Greek Mythology Intro to the places and gods

3 Places Related to Mythology Mt. Olympus The River Styx Earth The Underworld The Underworld

4 Mt. Olympus Olympus was where the gods lived. Zeus married his sister Hera and together they ruled Olympus. There really is a Mt. Olympus and since it was so high up the Ancient Greeks decided it was the realm of the gods. Humans and other creatures could only visit Olympus if they had an invitation.

5 Earth Earth is where the humans lived. Sometimes gods visited Earth, and often fell in love with Earth’s inhabitants. Sometimes they would have children who would be half human/half god, called a ‘demigod’. Many strange and dangerous creatures roamed Earth and heroes had to slaughter them.

6 The Underworld The underworld was a place inside the earth where the dead went for an after-life experience. The underworld was made up of three places: Tartarus, The Asphodel Fields, and The Elysian Fields. The underworld was ruled by Hades. Hades was Zeus’s brother and son of Cronus and Rhea. 2) The Elysian Fields 3) Tartarus

7 1) The Asphodel Fields Normal commoners went to the Asphodel Fields. In other words, people who did not deserve punishment or recognition. This was a gray, shadowy, misty, and ghostly place. Here their souls wandered around like shadows.

8 2) The Elysian Fields Heroic, kind and noble people went to the Elysian Fields. Here they rested and enjoyed lives of luxury and bliss. You could be sent to Earth from the Elysian fields to live another life after you died. If you went to the Elysian Field three times you could go to the Isles of the Blessed and never leave.

9 3) Tartarus Tartarus is where the worst humans and gods went. They suffered horrendous punishments such as eternal hunger and thirst, being tied to a wheel of fire, being hit with thunderbolts, climbing a mountain endlessly, and shameful donkey’s ears. These people had to suffer for eternity.

10 The Ocean The Ocean surrounded the Earth. The Ocean was ruled by Poseidon and his wife, Amphitrite, who was a sea-nymph. Poseidon controlled the wind and the waves. Sailors often made sacrifices to him so they would have smooth sailing.

11 The River Styx The River Styx was the way to get to the underworld. To get across you must pay Charon (‘Care-on’), the boatman. The cost was one obol, a Greek coin. After you paid him he would take you across.


13 ZEUS ZEUS Roman name Jupiter Zeus was the supreme god of the Olympians. God of the sky and Olympus. His symbol is a lightning bolt and thunder. Particularly fond of beautiful women (goddesses or mortals) Has power over gods and humans, can do as he pleases

14 POSEIDON POSEIDON Roman name Neptune Poseidon was the god of the sea, earthquakes and horses. Although he was officially one of the supreme gods of Mount Olympus, he spent most of his time in his watery domain. Symbols – trident, horse, bull Zeus’ brother – often distinguished in art by the fisherman’s trident Can cause tidal waves and earthquakes

15 Hera Hera Roman name Juno Hera was the goddess of marriage. She was the wife of Zeus and Queen of the Olympians. Her symbols are the peacock and cow She punished the women Zeus fell in love with Able to inflict madness Mother of heaven She is capable of seducing men, she is a shape-shifter, can help/hinder heroes

16 HADES HADES Roman name Pluto Hades was the God of the dead and ruler of the Underworld Hades abducted Persephone, who became his queen. Symbols – helmet, metal jewels, and Cerberus His helmet makes him invisible, called the helmet of darkness

17 DEMETER DEMETER Roman name Ceres Demeter was the goddess of agriculture. She was the sister of Zeus and the mother of Persephone (Hades’ captive queen). She is a kind of bond between heaven and earth Her symbol is wheat, ear of corn, and the poppy can make humans immortal Controls the fertility of the earth – won’t let plants grow due to Persephone’s kidnapping

18 HESTIA HESTIA Roman name Vesta Zeus’ sister, very gentle Goddess of home and hearth She is a powerful protector Her symbols are the hearth and the living flame She is the oldest of the Olympians One of 3 goddesses immune to Aphrodite’s influence – cannot be forced to love anyone

19 APHRODITE APHRODITE Roman name Venus Aphrodite was the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. She was also a protector of sailors. Has a magic girdle with powers to compel love Symbols – dove Myth says she sprang from the ocean foam Married to Hephaeustus Son – Eros (cupid figure)

20 ATHENA ATHENA Roman name Minerva Athena was the goddess of crafts and the domestic arts and also those of war and wisdom. She was the patron goddess of Athens. Her symbol was the owl and olive tree. It is said to have sprung fully grown from Zeus’ head

21 APOLLO APOLLO Roman name Apollo Apollo was the god of prophesy, music,healing, light and reason. Zeus’ son – associated with the sun Symbols – lyre, sun, bow and chariot he drives across the sky His arrows could send out the plague He also has the ability to heal

22 ARTEMIS ARTEMIS Roman name Diana Artemis was the goddess of the hunt and the moon. She helped women in childbirth, but also brought sudden death with her arrows. Apollo’s twin sister She is associated with the moon Her symbols – crescent moon, cypress Sometimes called Cynthia

23 ARES ARES Roman name Mars Ares was the god of war, or more precisely of warlike frenzy. Son of Zeus and Hera – bloodthirsty and merciless Symbols – vulture, dog, often carried a bloody spear Both of his parents disliked him

24 HEPHAESTUS HEPHAESTUS Roman name Vulcan Hephaestus was the lame god of fire and crafts or the two together, hence of blacksmiths. Known as the friendly God Unlike his brother Ares he was very kind Symbols – fire, blacksmith’s hammer Married Aphrodite

25 HERMES HERMES Roman name Mercury Hermes was the messenger of the gods and guide of dead souls to the Underworld. Also the God of Science and Invention Known as a trickster, a friend of thieves Said to have invented gymnastics and boxing Symbols – winged helmet and sandals

26 DIONYSUS DIONYSUS Roman name Bacchus Dionysus was the god of wine, revelry, drama and dancing. Symbols – grape vine, ivy and snakes Son of Zeus and Semele (mortal) They talk about him coming from faraway lands, bringing with him followers: Maenads (raving women); satyrs (half goat); and Sileni (half horse)

27 Guess who…

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