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Proposed Process for Forming the oneM2M Baseline  Group name: TP#1  Source: Laurent Laporte, Sprint,

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Process for Forming the oneM2M Baseline  Group name: TP#1  Source: Laurent Laporte, Sprint,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Process for Forming the oneM2M Baseline  Group name: TP#1  Source: Laurent Laporte, Sprint, AT&T, Applied Communication Sciences, Cisco, Hitachi  Meeting Date: 2012-09-24  Agenda Item: 7.3 or 7.4 Intended purpose of document: Decision Discussion Information Other Slide 1© 2012 oneM2M Partners

2 Minimize time to agree on a baseline specification set; Maximize applicability to broad number of industry segments; Prioritize industry segment inputs; Promote industry segment deployment; Promote industry segment ease of use; Minimize complexity. Guiding Principles

3 Example Mapping of Guiding Principles to Baseline Criteria Minimize time to form baseline specification Maximize applicability to broad number of market segments Prioritize industry segment inputs Minimize complexity Promote deployment Promote ease of use Limited set of options Majority Service Provider support Reuse/adapt existing content Guiding Principles Baseline Criteria Industry segment inputs given priority

4 4Q12 2Q13 1Q13 3Q13 1Q14 4Q13 … … Doc analysis WG’s focus on Critical/Important Assessment Phase WG’s open to new Work Items NOTE: The durations shown are intended to be maximum intervals; if a phase is completed early, then the next phase may begin immediately afterwards Baseline formedFirst release of a minimally deployable solution Proposed Timeline Critical = gaps, functionality required for commercial deployment Important = fixes to existing flaws Baseline Phase Steady- State Phase Industry Segments feedback Industry Segments Feedback Learn Start WG1/2 Start WG3/4/5 Subsequent Release

5 Learning In-depth tutorials required of each technical specification Technical expert(s) from each contributing SDO required to participate during this phase Coarse Assessment Working groups to identify gaps, overlaps, extraneous items, and areas of strength and weakness; Assessment document produced; Rationalization Driven by working groups; Form the baseline document set; Develops prioritized working plan for: Critical items (i.e. gaps that need to be filled in order to enable a commercial deployment); Important items (i.e. fixes/amendments to existing flaws that impair adequate functionality); Guiding principles utilized as constraints by which baseline set is formed; Assessment Phase Key Activities Form working groups with each responsible for scrutinizing their respective subject matter from each SDO contribution

6 Assessment Phase Example of a Coarse Filter of Documents SDO aSDO bSDO cSDO dSDO eSDO fSDO g Use Cases Defined Requirement s Defined Architecture Protocols API’s Device Managemen t Security This filter will provide a quick view of the areas where rationalization will need to occur. …

7 Assessment Phase Weighted Prioritization of Use Cases - Automotive Example SDO aSDO bInd. Seg. aRating Electric Vehicle Charging High Fleet Management High Usage Based Insurance High Electronic Payments Low Corridor Planning/Optimization – Vehicle to Infrastructure High Personalized Travel Information Medium SOS Call/E-call High Legend High – use case automatically included Medium – use case deliberated to determine inclusion Low – use case included only with extenuating circumstances; may be introduced in Phase 3 -An exception to Low would occur if an SDO’s technical document is solely based upon the use case, in which case the use case would be treated as High. -Any Industry Segment Use Case will result in a High rating. Legend High – use case automatically included Medium – use case deliberated to determine inclusion Low – use case included only with extenuating circumstances; may be introduced in Phase 3 -An exception to Low would occur if an SDO’s technical document is solely based upon the use case, in which case the use case would be treated as High. -Any Industry Segment Use Case will result in a High rating.

8 Assessment Phase Requirements Example SDO xSDO yInd. Seg. a Result (average) Provisioning4444 Device Management4322.75 Configuration Management4111.75 Device Triggering2111.25 Group Management1443.25 Data Processing and Storage 3222.25 Policy Management4412.5 Results Legend 4 – requirement automatically included 3 – requirement requires discussion, but likely to be included in Phase 2 2 – requirement tentative for Phase 2; dependent upon workload 1 – requirement tabled for Phase 3 or later Results Legend 4 – requirement automatically included 3 – requirement requires discussion, but likely to be included in Phase 2 2 – requirement tentative for Phase 2; dependent upon workload 1 – requirement tabled for Phase 3 or later Inputs Legend 4 – critical requirement – necessary for all use cases 3 – important requirement – needed in majority (>50%) of use cases 2 – useful requirement – needed in many (>20% and <50%) of use cases 1 – marginal requirement – needed in minority (<20%) of use cases Inputs Legend 4 – critical requirement – necessary for all use cases 3 – important requirement – needed in majority (>50%) of use cases 2 – useful requirement – needed in many (>20% and <50%) of use cases 1 – marginal requirement – needed in minority (<20%) of use cases Industry Segment (e.g. auto, power, health) contributions are given a weighting of 2 while other SDO contributions are given a weight of 1. Results normalized to 1-4 range. Industry Segment (e.g. auto, power, health) contributions are given a weighting of 2 while other SDO contributions are given a weight of 1. Results normalized to 1-4 range.

9 Critical items will have top priority; Important items will take second priority; Refinement of requirements as needed; First oneM2M release sufficient for a minimally deployable solution. Baseline Formation Phase Key Activities The Baseline Formation phase is necessary to ensure that gating items (with respect to producing a deployable release) are addressed in a timely manner.

10 New work items are encouraged; Any newly identified Critical and Important items will take top priority; Refinement of requirements continues. Steady State Phase Key Activities This is the steady state working environment for oneM2M.

11 Proposed Actions for Technical Plenary Accept basic framework presented here and immediately begin elaboration of various sections; Establish ad-hoc group to: Determine Guiding Principles; Derive Guiding Criteria from the Guiding Principles; Begin Assessment Phase with minimal delay.

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