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Greek Mythology. What is Mythology? o Long ago, people had a hard time explaining what was happening around them. o There were no scientists or teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Mythology. What is Mythology? o Long ago, people had a hard time explaining what was happening around them. o There were no scientists or teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Mythology

2 What is Mythology? o Long ago, people had a hard time explaining what was happening around them. o There were no scientists or teachers to explain why things happened - like why we have 4 seasons, for example. o They made up their own stories to explain why and how things worked. o These stories are called MYTHS. o Mythology is the study of cultural stories that explain why and/or how the world was created and works

3 Why Study Mythology? We study mythology because it is the religion, the science, and the literature of people from Earth’s human past.

4 We are going to study Creation Myths THESE EXPLAIN HOW THE WORLD WAS CREATED!

5 World Map

6 Ancient Greece Map GREECE ITALY AFRICA

7 Greek gods - Family Tree

8 ZEUS: King of the gods and the sky Roman name: Roman name:Jupiter Symbol: Thunder bolts Thunder bolts

9 Poseidon: god of the oceans Zeus’ brother Zeus’ brother Roman Name: Neptune Roman Name: Neptune Symbol: Trident Symbol: Trident

10 HADES: god of the underworld Brother of Zeus and Poseidon Roman Name: Pluto Symbol: Invisible Helmet

11 HERA: Queen of the gods Wife of Zeus Wife of Zeus Roman Name: Juno Roman Name: Juno Symbol: Golden Crown Symbol: Golden Crown

12 HESTIA: goddess of home and hearth Zeus’ virgin sister Roman Name: Vesta Symbol: Sacred Fire

13 DEMETER : goddess of grain and harvest Responsible for the creation of seasons Responsible for the creation of seasons Also known for fertility Also known for fertility Roman Name: Ceres Roman Name: Ceres Symbol: Rake Symbol: Rake

14 ATHENA: goddess of wisdom and law Daughter of Zeus Roman Name: Minerva Symbol: Armor and an Owl

15 APOLLO: god of the sun Son of Zeus, twin brother of Artemis Roman Name: Apollo Symbol: Golden Chariot and Harp

16 ARTEMIS: goddess of the hunt and moon Daughter of Zeus and twin sister of Apollo Roman Name: Diana Symbol: Silver bow and arrow

17 APHRODITE : goddess of Beauty and Love Daughter of Zeus Daughter of Zeus Roman Name: Venus Roman Name: Venus Symbol: Roses and Doves Symbol: Roses and Doves

18 ARES: god of War Son of Zeus and Hera Son of Zeus and Hera Roman Name: Mars Roman Name: Mars Symbol: Sword and Spear Symbol: Sword and Spear

19 HEPHAESTUS: god of fire and forge Son of Hera Son of Hera Fatherless Fatherless Roman Name: Vulcan Roman Name: Vulcan Symbol: Anvil and Hammer Symbol: Anvil and Hammer

20 HERMES: Messenger of the gods Son of Zeus Responsible for guiding souls to the underworld Roman Name: Mercury Symbol: Winged Sandals

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