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June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Professional and Legal Issues Week 3 2009-10 INFO2009 (Professional and Legal Issues) Su White (saw)

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Presentation on theme: "June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Professional and Legal Issues Week 3 2009-10 INFO2009 (Professional and Legal Issues) Su White (saw)"— Presentation transcript:

1 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Professional and Legal Issues Week 3 2009-10 INFO2009 (Professional and Legal Issues) Su White (saw)

2 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Plan for Today 14:00-14:45 Have a break 15:00-15:45 What are professional and legal issues? Group feedback

3 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues First a reminder…  You will be working in your tutor groups for the second assignment

4 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Assessment weighting  Prepare an annotated bibliography 10%  Produce and present a resource45%  Complete a stage test20%  Answer a case study25% See for details

5 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Use the Module Pages

6 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues An informal competition….

7 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Collecting Resources One touch:  As you go  Delicious - add an item  Include a description  Add some tags - always include INFO2009 and SOTON  Bibsonomy  EdShare  Customise your working space  Train yourself  Working methodically  Share with others

8 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Building a sharing culture A bit of an experiment.. To start  Log your finds in Delicious  Tag INFO2009 Soton and relevant keywords  Volunteer your contribution at the start of each class ➔ Current news items ➔ Links with other modules  Later  We will use EdShare to showcase our resources  I will find Amazon tokens as prizes for best three individual contributions :-)

9 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Over to you… Task 1

10 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues professional and legal issues might include data protection ethics child protection open source pornography hacking morals employment rights privacy civic duty open data copyright security discrimination equality libel defamation responsibility creative commons accessibility plain english code of conduct freedom of information academic ethics professional bodies digital divide outsourcing globalisation free speech intellectual property green ICT e-commerce digital futures localisation health and safety environment social enterprises accessability professionalism digital rights management surveillance censorship computer crime e-government file-sharing inclusivity employment rights

11 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Potential topic categories  Rights and Responsibilities  Duties to others  The Intellectual Property Minefield  The Spy in the Coffee Machine  Respect and Responsibilities  The Responsible Technologist  Technology in a changing world  Bridging the digital divide  ++

12 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Understanding professional and legal issues Follow the instructions on the handout sheet

13 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Thinking Time  What do Professional and Legal issues mean to me?  Why should I care?  What is the scope?

14 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Working methods and plans Coursework 1  How will you go about researching and preparing your annotated bibliography  Topic selection  Information discovery  Item creation Coursework 2  What topics will the members of your group select?  How will you co-ordinate your efforts to the greatest effect?

15 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Building your resource Primary Resource  Online tutorial  Case study  Sock Puppet video  Audio Podcast  Video Podcast  Stop frame animation  lecture slides ++ Supporting material  MCQs  Wiki pages  Web pages ++ Does this affect your other behaviour/approaches? What formats will you choose?

16 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues Thank You :-)  Over the next week  Think about the topics  Begin researching your bibliography entries  Put stuff on the wiki  Group Details  Links to relevant resources  Use Delicious  Next week  Includes…  Annotated bibliography  Legal Issues

17 June 16INFO2009 Professional and Legal Issues NEXT WEEK… Data Protection Act

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