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1 The Biography of M. L. King Hannah, Spencer, Brian, Lizzy, Brett January 21, 2010 4 th Grade.

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2 1 The Biography of M. L. King Hannah, Spencer, Brian, Lizzy, Brett January 21, 2010 4 th Grade

3 2 Dr. King had a Dream Dr. King wanted people to be judged by their character and not the color of their skin. Dr. King wanted black boys and girls to be able to join hands with white boys and girls. Dr. King wanted everyone to solve their problems with words not violence.

4 3 Important Events Janury15,1929 Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia. June 18, 1953 Martin Luther King Jr. married Coretta Scott. 1955-1956 Martin Luther King led a boycott of the busses in Montgomery, Alabama. August 28, 1963 M L K gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. April 4, 1968 Martin was assassinated because some people didn’t like him.

5 4 Awesome Things I Learned About Dr. King MLK JR. was assassinated in 1968 James Earl Ray killed MLK. Martin Luther King had 4 kids with Coretta Scott. MLK led the bus boycott. Dr. King walked to Washington DC.

6 5 References A Picture Book of MLK by David A. Adler Happy Birthday, Dr. King! by Kathryn Jones http://mlk- g_major_events_chronology_1929_1968/ aveadream.htm Thank You For Listening!

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