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PLANNING DAILY MENU TO IMPROVE BODY HEALTH Department: Restaurant Skill Competence: Restaurant Service Standard of Competence: Planning Daily Menu to Improve.

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Presentation on theme: "PLANNING DAILY MENU TO IMPROVE BODY HEALTH Department: Restaurant Skill Competence: Restaurant Service Standard of Competence: Planning Daily Menu to Improve."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLANNING DAILY MENU TO IMPROVE BODY HEALTH Department: Restaurant Skill Competence: Restaurant Service Standard of Competence: Planning Daily Menu to Improve Body Health Basic Competence: Planning Menu Based on Nutrition Needs

2 Art & Tourism IDENTIFYING NUTRITION NEEDS A. Definition of Nutrition Nutrition is beneficial material in food which is useful for health

3 Art & Tourism B. Groups of Nutrition Nutrition is grouped based on several points: function, size and sources. 1. Based on function a. As source of energy As source of energy which is beneficial to move body and metabolism process in body. They are carbohydrate, fat and protein IDENTIFYING NUTRITION NEEDS

4 b. Nutrition is good for growth and to maintain body tissues Nutrition has function to build new cells in human body. If we lack of this nutrition, growth will not run well. This nutrition also functions to replace broken cells. c. Nutrition as regulator process in body. The process of metabolism needs regulation to get balanced. Art & Tourism IDENTIFYING NUTRITION NEEDS

5 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata IDENTIFYING NUTRITION NEEDS


7 2. Based on size Based on size, nutrition is classified into two parts: a. Macro nutrition Macro nutrition is a number of nutrition which is needed by body in large size of gram. They are carbohydrate, fat and protein. Art & Tourism IDENTIFYING NUTRITION NEEDS

8 b. Micro nutrition Micro nutrition is a number of nutrition which is needed by body in small size of mg. They are mineral and vitamin. 3. Based on sources Based on the source, nutrition can be classified into two groups: animal and non-animal nutrition. Art & Tourism IDENTIFYING NUTRITION NEEDS

9 C. Function of Nutrition and Its Sources in Food 1. Carbohydrate Carbohydrate is the main source of calorie for human. a. Classification of carbohydrate Based on the chemical order, carbohydrate is classified into three parts: 1) Monosaccharide Monosaccharide is the most simple one. Art & Tourism

10 There are three kinds of monosaccharide: o Glucose (dextrose) o Fructose (Laevulose) o Galactose Galactose is made from disaccharide or milk sugar, because it is made from milk. 2) Disaccharide Disaccharide is combination of two kinds of monosaccharide molecule. Art & Tourism C. Function of Nutrition and Its Sources in Food

11 Disaccharide which is important in ingredients is: (a) Sucrose (Sugar) In digesting, sucrose is divided into glucose and fructose. Art & Tourism C. Function of Nutrition and Its Sources in Food

12 (b) Maltose Maltose is the result of natural process (c) Lactose (Sugar) This carbohydrate is mostly found in milk 3) Polysaccharide Polysaccharide is combination of monosaccharide molecule. They are glycogen and cellulose. Art & Tourism C. Function of Nutrition and Its Sources in Food

13 b.Glycogen is source of carbohydrate which is put in heart and muscle. c. Cellulose is part of plant which cannot be digested by digestion system. But cellulose has other benefit for body. Art & Tourism C. Function of Nutrition and Its Sources in Food

14 4) Fiber Fiber is also an important cellulose. We can find it in vegetable, leaves and fruit. Art & Tourism C. Function of Nutrition and Its Sources in Food

15 Art & Tourism Function of Carbohydrate Produce Energy Energy Supply Giving sense of full Function of Nutrition and Its Sources

16 c. Needs of Carbohydrate The need of carbohydrate is between 8-10 gram for each kilogram body everyday. d. Carbohydrate in Food Sources of carbohydrate in food is cereal. Art & Tourism C. Function of Nutrition and Its Sources in Food

17 Art & Tourism Function of Nutrition and Its Sources

18 2. Protein a. The Order of Chemical Protein Based on chemical order, protein is classified into three groups: 1) Simple Protein It is called simple because it is not related other materials. 2) Combination Protein This protein can form relation with other materials, like glycogen forms glycoprotein, hemoglobin which forms cromo-protein. Art & Tourism

19 b. Quality of Protein Essential amino acid on protein can classify: 1)Complete Protein is the one which contains essential amino acid 2) Incomplete Protein is the one which does not contain essential amino acid c. Functions of Protein for Health 1) To build body tissues 2) To replace broken body cells 3)To keep body balanced 4) As source of energy Art & Tourism 2. Protein

20 d. Sources of protein Art & Tourism 2. Protein 1). Meat 2). Fish 3).Egg 4). Milk

21 Ingredients Which Consists of Non-Animal Protein Art & Tourism 2. Protein 1) Rice 2) Peanut

22 3. Fat LEMAK Art & Tourism FUNCTIONS: 1.Formed from 95% acid fat & glycerol 2.Source of energy (1 gr fat = 9 kal = 2¼ x energy 1 gram protein/KH) 3.“Protein – Sparer” (support protein energy) 4.To produce acid fat essential 5.Improve vitamin A, D, E and K 6.Giving sense of full

23 a. Function of Fat for Body Fat is formed from acid fat and gliserol. Fat functions as: 1) Source of Energy Fat is an important thing from human 2) To produce essential acid fat Oil or fat, especially non-animal oils which consists of essential acid fat Art & Tourism 3. Fat

24 3) To Dissolve Vitamin Oil and fat function to dissolve vitamin: vitamin A, D, E and K 4) To Give Sense of Full Fat and oil will give sense of full longer 5) Protein Sparer Source of energy beside carbohydrate and protein Art & Tourism 3. Fat

25 b. Fat in Food Art & Tourism 3. Fat

26 Art & Tourism CLASSIFICATION OF FAT HDL Single LDL Poly LDL Sources: Butter Animal Coconut Oil Non-Animal Fat Avocado Corn Oil Cotton Oil Vegetable Oil Milk 3. Fat

27 4. Vitamin Vitamin is organic molecul which is needed by body to process metabolism and normal growth Sources of Vitamin Art & Tourism

28 Generally, vitamin is classified into two categories: 1.Dissolved-Vitamin: Vitamin A, D, E, and K 2.Dissolved-Vitamin in water vitamin C dan vitamin B. a. Fat-Dissolved Vitamin They are in fish, seed, bean, soybean and so on. Art & Tourism 4. Vitamin

29 1) Vitamin A a) Function of vitamin A for our body  To produce rodopcyn to see clearly  To protect body tissues  To help growth Art & Tourism 4. Vitamin

30 b) Vitamin A in Ingredients Food which contains vitamin A consists of caroten as ester from vitamin A and free vitamin A Art & Tourism 4. Vitamin

31 Sources of Vitamin A (1) Ingredients from Animals Milk, cheese, yolk, heart, fish and other high fat ingredients which are good to produce for retinol. (2) Ingredients from Non-Animals Yellow or red vegetable and fruit, especially carrot. Art & Tourism 4. Vitamin

32 Art & Tourism 4. Vitamin Classification of Vitamin A CLASSIFICATION F VITAMIN A SOURCES HIGH (RE more than 2000  g/100 g) AVERAGE (RE 1000-2000  g/100g) LOW (RE low than 1000  g/100g) Fish Oil Coconut Oil Heart of Lamb Heart of Chicken, Sweet Potato Carrot Spinach. Bread Meat/ Pork, Potato Fish

33 2) Vitamin D Function of Vitamin D for Body - Set salt metabolism - Raise salt and phosphor - Set phosphor salt to improve bones Art & Tourism

34 3) Vitamin E Vitamin E is assumed to be good in reproduction. Lack of vitamin E will cause impotency. Art & Tourism

35 Extract from vegetables and fruits. It is used for cosmetics. Beside that, natural sources of vitamin E is very important. Art & Tourism 3) Vitamin E

36 4) Vitamin K Vitamin K is also called coagulation vitamin. Vitamin K is important in freezing blood, because this vitamin influences protrombin in heart Art & Tourism

37 Sources of Vitamin K Art & Tourism 4) Vitamin K

38 b. Vitamin which is resolved in water 1) Vitamin C Vitamin C in our body functions to build and maintain connectors all over cells Sources of Vitamin C Most sources of vitamin C are from vegetables and fruits. Art & Tourism

39 Sources of Vitamin C Art & Tourism b. Vitamin which is resolved in water

40 2) Vitamin B Complex tiamin (vitamin B1) riboflavin (vitamin B2) niasin (asam nikotinat niasinamida) Vitamin B complex piridoksin (vitamin B6), asam pantotenat biotin, folasin B12 (sianokobalamin). Art & Tourism

41 Sources of Vitamin B Complex Art & Tourism 2) Vitamin B Complex

42 5. Mineral Most parts of ingredients (96%) consists of organic materials and water. The rests are mineral: Art & Tourism MACRO MINERALMICRO MINERAL NatriumIron ChlorIodium CalciumMangan PhosphorCopper MagnesiumZink SulphurCobalt Fluor Classification of mineral

43 Sources of Mineral Art & Tourism

44 Mineral Deficiency Art & Tourism

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