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Financial Plan for Mr. Goenka & Family By – SKP Securities ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Plan for Mr. Goenka & Family By – SKP Securities ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Plan for Mr. Goenka & Family By – SKP Securities ltd

2 Introduction Dear Mr. Goenka Proactive investment planning is important in achieving your financial goals. We are pleased to present you with your personal financial report. This report will help you assess where you are and what steps you might take now. The report is based upon the information you have provided. It covers your financial goals, current investment assets and risk tolerance. The report also analyzes your investments and may suggest a rebalancing of your portfolio that could help you achieve your financial goals. Investment planning is a dynamic process that changes along with your life cycle situations. Developments in your professional and private life are likely to have a direct impact on meeting your goals. For that reason, keep in mind that this report should not be considered final or definitive, but as part of an ongoing, long-term planning process in partnership with your advisor. As changes occur in your situation, it is important to update your personal information in order to re-evaluate where you are at that time and where you would like to be. If you have any questions pertaining to this report, please contact us. Confidential

3 Plan Flow o Your personal information o Your Income o Your Expenditure o Your Investments o Your Assets o Goal Analysis o Action Recommended o Our recommendations o Our assumptions o Products Recommended o Disclaimer Confidential

4 Your personal information 1Name of InvestorRaj Goenka 2Age40 yrs (13.11.1970) 3MarriedYes 4Children 1.Son - Age 19yrs 2. Son - Age 17yrs 5Profession (Self)Business 6Profession (Spouse)Home maker 7Risk ProfileMedium 8Financial Dependents4 9Address14, Middle School Road. V V Puram. Bangalore -560004 10Mobile No.09845019695 Confidential

5 Income Confidential Rs. 285,000 Per Month

6 Expenditure Confidential Rs. 150,000 Per Month

7 Current Investments Confidential

8 Current Asset Allocation Confidential Rs. 4,22,00,000

9 Goal Analysis Confidential Based on your assumption of the present cost of your goals and considering the rise in the cost of these goals, you will need more amount at the time of goal realization. Sr #GoalsPresent Cost Goal Year No. of Years to reach Goal Inflation AssumedFuture Cost 1Son Education 25,00,000201537% 30,62,608 2First Sons' Marriage 30,00,000201647% 39,32,388 3Second Sons' Marriage 35,00,000201867% 52,52,556 4Retirement Corpus 5,00,00,000202080% 5,00,00,000

10 Action Recommended Confidential We suggest you to allocate some of your existing investments for these goals. The following table gives you the present value of your existing investments which needs to be allocated for these goals, and the balance future value which needs to be achieved, after taking the existing investments into consideration. Goal Name Existing Investments PV of Investment s Estimated Returns P.A. FV of Investments Balance FV to be achieved Son’s EducationStocks & MFs 7,00,00012% 9,83,450 20,79,158 Bank FD 16,00,0009% 20,72,046 - First Sons' MarriageBank FD 28,00,0009% 39,52,429-

11 Action Recommended Confidential Continued… Goal Name Existing Investments PV of Investments Estimated Returns P.A. FV of Investments Balance FV to be achieved Second Sons' MarriageBank FD 6,00,0009% 10,06,260 42,46,296 Retirement Corpus Cash in Bank20,00,00012%49,51,926 45,048,074

12 Goal Analysis Confidential Analysis & Suggestions The table below gives you the regular amount of investments required to be made to achieve your goals. Goals Goal Corpus Needed No. of Years to reach Goal Estimated Returns p.a. Regular Investment required p.m. Second Sons' Marriage 42,46,296612% 40,553 Retirement Corpus 5,00,00,000812% 3,12,642

13 Proposed investments Confidential

14 Proposed Monthly Cash Flow Cash FlowAmount (Rs) Monthly Income2,85,000 Monthly Expenses50,000 Education Cost25,000 Other Regular Expenses25,000 SIP Commitments40,533 Insurance Premium50,000 Additional Insurance Premium2,477 Health Insurance Premium1,440 Total1,94,450 Net Available Resource90,550

15 Our Suggestions Suggestion 1: Increase your investible surplus by letting out your second house property. This will help you in creating your retirement kitty. Suggestion 2: Cash reserve in Bank be used for your retirement kitty. We advise you to invest Rs 20 lacs in a Balanced Fund. Suggestion 4: Insure your life for an additional amount of Rs. 1 crore which will cost you Rs. 29,719 p.a. Suggestion 3: Surplus of Rs 90k in monthly cash flow can be used for creating a retirement kitty.

16 Our Suggestions Suggestion 6: Your younger sons education & elder son’s marriage goal is well taken care with your existing mutual funds, stocks & bank FDs. Considering you have parked your FD money with 9% return p.a. We need to review your Mutual funds & Stocks portfolio separately, details for the same is awaited. Suggestion 7: There is still a gap in your second son’s marriage goal for which we advice you to invest Rs. 40553 every month. Suggestion 8: Balance Rs. 5 lacs in bank can be used as contingency fund. Suggestion 5: Take a medical coverage for your family, a family floater plan with a coverage of Rs. 10 lacs will come at a premium of Rs. 17,281 p.a.

17 Assumptions While creating your financial plan we have based our calculations on certain assumptions  The financial plan and the various requirements are based on your present financial condition.  The average inflation rate assumed is 7% p.a.  CAGR of 12% is assumed in diversified equity funds, 10% for balanced funds and short term debt is assumed at 8% p.a. Confidential

18 Proposed Products Mutual Funds Recommended for SIPs. o DSP BR Equity fund o Franklin India Bluechip fund o HDFC Top 200 fund o IDFC Premier Equity fund Confidential Life Insurance Policy Recommended o Birla Sunlife- Protector Plus Health Insurance Policy Recommended o Star Health – Family Health Optima

19 Disclaimer o The recommendations are based on information provided by you. o SKP Securities Ltd does not take any responsibility if the information provided by you is incorrect or inaccurate. o These recommendations are a mere prediction and analysis of your future earnings and financial health. o These recommendations does not guarantee the returns if stated in the plan as future is full of unknown risks, and uncertainties, SKP Securities Ltd cannot be hold responsible for any deviation direct or indirect from the expected result or any losses after implementation of the plan. o SKP Securities Ltd does not guarantee profits from the investments made according to the plan as investments are subject to market, currency, economic, political and business risks. o SKP Securities Ltd not be liable for any losses that may be caused directly or indirectly by circumstances beyond our reasonable control or on account of our good faith decisions or actions. o This document does not constitute an offer to sell or an offer to buy any Security or other financial product, which have been recommended. o Any material change in your financial situation will necessarily render the contents of the plan out of date. Material changes refer to change in income/salary levels, assets acquired, liabilities incurred, change in number of dependents, health condition, or the passage of time of more than 6 months or the effect of inflation or deflation. o SKP Securities Ltd recommends to review your financial plan /recommendations every 3 months and make the necessary changes if required. Confidential

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