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North America As Readers can we: Participate in discussions about both books that are read to us and those we have chosen to read? Read books that are.

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Presentation on theme: "North America As Readers can we: Participate in discussions about both books that are read to us and those we have chosen to read? Read books that are."— Presentation transcript:

1 North America As Readers can we: Participate in discussions about both books that are read to us and those we have chosen to read? Read books that are structured in different ways for a range of purposes? Identify ideas from more than one paragraph and summarise these? Identify how language, structure add to meaning? As Writers can we: Spell words that are often misspelt? Use diagonal and horizontal strokes that are needed to join letters? Plan, write and edit a newspaper report about an extreme weather event? Use a range of sentences structures, extending these with different conjunctions? Proof read my work for spelling and punctuation errors? Understand and use noun phrases? As Mathematicians can we: Find the area of rectilinear shapes? Add and Subtract money using a formal written method? Recall multiplication and division facts ? Solve problems involving the four operations? Recognise and use factor pairs? Recognise the place value of each digit? As Geographers can we: Locate the continent North America and its countries in an atlas? Name and locate key cities in North America and compare them to the UK? Discuss and compare human and physical features? As Scientists can we : Recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways? Explore and use classification keys? Recognise that sometimes environments can change and this can pose a threat to animals living there? As Artists and Designers can we: Research great artists and their work? Improve my mastery of art and design? Use research to develop design criteria? Select from a wide range of tools and equipment? Y4 Spring 2 As Historians can we: Research weather disasters from the past and its effects? Discuss how North America has changed over time?

2 Learning Challenge Year 4 Autumn 2 Here are some ideas for this half term’s learning challenge! The challenge should be completed over the half term and needs to be brought into school by Monday 28th March. I will look forward to seeing the completed challenges! Please see me if you have any questions Thank you, Miss L. Unwin As Writers can you: Create a poster about one of the countries in North America? List the pro’s and con’s of living in different areas of North America? Write a newspaper article about an extreme weather event? Create a narrative about a child who lives in North America? Research famous people from North America and create a leaflet about them? Write a postcard from the perspective of someone who is on holiday in a North American county? As Scientists can you: Identify how and why animals are suited to their habitats? Observe animals in their natural habitats and make notes/take pictures? As Mathematicians can you: Find out the numerical value of North American facts e.g. population, land size then compare to the UK.? Create a coordinates map to show the countries included in North America? As Artists and Designers can you: Research famous North American artists and recreate their art work? Paint/draw a picture of one of the beautiful North American landscapes? Create a brochure to advertise one of the countries? As Historians can you: Choose and research an extreme weather event from the past? Find out about how North America has changed over the years compared to now? As ICT Technicians can you: Research North American countries using the internet and word process information that you find? As Musicians can you: Listen to traditional North American Folk music and write a review?

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