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1. In what different ways are European city centres being renewed? 1.Ym mha ffyrdd gwahanol mae canol dinasoedd Ewrop yn cael eu hadnewyddu? 1.2 What are.

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Presentation on theme: "1. In what different ways are European city centres being renewed? 1.Ym mha ffyrdd gwahanol mae canol dinasoedd Ewrop yn cael eu hadnewyddu? 1.2 What are."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. In what different ways are European city centres being renewed? 1.Ym mha ffyrdd gwahanol mae canol dinasoedd Ewrop yn cael eu hadnewyddu? 1.2 What are the effects of city centre changes on their day time and night time geographies? 1.2 Beth yw effeithiau newidiadau canol dinasoedd ar eu daearyddiaeth yn ystod y dydd a nos? Unit 2 Physical Options Uned 2 Opsiynau Ffisegol 11 Retail and urban change 11 Newid trefol a manwerthu

2 Much of Manchester’s changes follow the devastation caused by the 1996 IRA bombing attack upon the city centre. The city centre regeneration strategy aimed to stimulate the late-night economy of the city and attract developers. It was noted that an advantage could be had from a large residential population to use the shops and facilities provided by developers. With a good night-time offer, Manchester city centre would attract young, single professional residents. Manchester began to pursue the goal of becoming a 24-hour city, with increased city centre residents and a bigger night- time economy. Redevelopment initiatives from the city council focussed on a number of issues, including licensing, retail, cafes and restaurants, lighting and CCTV. Manchester’s night time economy Economi’r nos Manceinion Mae llawer o’r newidiadau i Fanceinion yn dilyn bom yr IRA yn 1996. Cynllun y cyngor oedd i hybu economi’r nos ac atynu datblygwyr gan fyddai poblogaeth fawr yn gallu defnyddio’r siopau a gwasanaethau a ddatblygwyd. Gyda llawer yn mynd ymlaen byddai Manceinion yn atyniad i bobl ifanc sengl proffesiynol. Canolbwyntiodd y cyngor ar faterion fel trwyddedu, siopau, bwytai, goleuo’r strydoedd a CCTV.

3 As planned, parallel with the growth of Manchester’s night-time economy came a rise in the number of city centre residents, from less than 1000 in 1991 to an estimated 20,000 in 2007. Manchester is now important for retail, and in 2003 became part of the top 5 shopping destinations in the UK. This has been good for business and employment in the city, but unemployment is still high in comparison to the national average. For a successful regeneration, Manchester needed a wide-ranging appeal to audiences of different ages. Shops in the city centre are encouraged to remain open until 8pm to bridge the gap between 5.30 and the restaurants and theatres opening. The evening offer was noted to include restaurants, cinemas, theatres and concert halls, museums and libraries, sport, hotels, casinos, pubs and clubs. Fel y cynllun aeth twf poblogaeth canol y ddinas law yn llaw â thyfiant economi’r nos. Cododd y boblogaeth o llai na 1000 yn 1991 i 20,000 yn 2007. Mae Manceinion yn canolfan siopau pwysig iawn. Mae llawer o siopau yn agor tan 8pm fel bod pobl yn gallu siopau cyn mynd i fwyta neu fynd i’r theatr.

4 Nightlife Bywyd nos The night-time economy of Manchester has expanded significantly since about 1993, with investment from breweries in bars, public houses and clubs, along with active support from the local authorities. There are more than 500 licensed premises in the city centre which have a capacity to deal with over 250,000 visitors, with 110–130,000 people visiting on a typical weekend night. The night-time economy has a value of about £100 million per annum and supports 12,000 jobs. Mae economi’r nos Manceinion wedi chwyddo ers 1993, gyda bragdai yn buddsoddi mewn bariau, tafarndai a chlybiau mewn partneriaeth â’r cyngor. Mae dros 500 o lefydd trwydded yng nghanol y ddinas sy’n gallu delio â dros 250,000 o ymwelwyr (110-130,000 ar noson arferol). Mae hyn werth £100 miliwn y flwyddyn ac mae 12,000 o swyddi yn dibynnu arno.

5 Conflict The development of a late-night economy has been very important to Manchester’s regeneration initiatives. This regeneration has also included an increase in the number of city centre residents. This creates a potential conflict between the growth of the late-night economy and the increase of city centre residents. Labelled as the leisure capital of the North, Manchester does need to prevent itself becoming mono-cultural and dominated by under-30s and binge- drinkers. Therefore there are challenges for the City Council and the Police to make the city safe and suitable for users of all ages. Initiatives have already been implemented by both the Council and the Police along with ways of reducing crime and fear of crime in the late-night economy. Gwrthdaro Mae datblygiad economi’r nos wedi arwain at wrthdaro rhwng trigolion ac ymwelwyr. Mae llawer o bobl ifainc yn ymhel yn y canol yn creu problemau fel anoddefgarwch a goryfed. Mae hêr i’r cyngor a heddlu i wneud y ddinas yn ddiogel ac addas i bobl o bob oed, rhyw, cenedl a lliw ei defnyddio. Maen nhw yn barod wedi mabwysiadu ffyrdd o leihau troseddu.

6 Initiatives There are a number of concerns for residents in the city centre, including noise, crime and fear of crime. The Greater Manchester Policy initiative, City Centre Safe, has a number of schemes in operation to improve the city, including ASBOs and fixed penalty notices, the Door Safe Scheme for door staff, CCTV and underage drinking. Issues of concern in the late night economy include transport after hours and Manchester City Council’s transport strategies; buses; Metrolink; trains; taxis; taxi marshals; private hire vehicles; and the TaxiSafe Scheme. Transport plays a critical role in the regeneration, with the development of an integrated transport strategy being a central component of the master planning framework. Managing the late-night economy is an issue for Manchester City Council, with large numbers of people in the city late at night. Things which need to be looked at and addressed include car parking; shutters; litter; toilets; takeaways; ATMs; beggars; graffiti; fly posting; skate boarders; prostitution; drugs; and door staff. Cynlluniau Mae nifer o achosion consyrn i drigolion canol y ddinas, gan gynnwys twrw, troseddu a ofn troseddu. Mae menter Cyngor Manceinion, City Centre Safe, yn gwneud nifer o bethau i wella’r ddinas, gan gynnwys ASBOs a dirywon yn y stryd, cynllun DoorSafe i bobl sy’n gweithio ar ddrws clybiau ac ati, CCTV ac yfed dan oed. Mae trafnidiaeth yn gonsyrn hefyd ac mae cyngor y ddinas wedi ceisio dod â phawb at ei gilydd, bysus, tramiau, trenau, tacsis ac ati. Mae cynllun TaxiSafe ar waith. Pethau eraill sydd angen sylw gan y cyngor ydy parcio gyda nos, caeadau ffenestri, ysbwriel, toliedau, bwyd i fynd allan, tyllau yn y wal, pobl yn begian, graffiti, hysbysebion ar waliau, sglefrfyrddio, puteindra, cyffuriau a pobl drysau.

7 What would you expect the pedestrian flows of these areas to be like over a 24 hour period? Sut patrwm cerddwyr fyddwch yn disgwyl yn y llefydd hyn dros 24 awr? Left Spinningfields (offices) Top right Market Street (department stores) Bottom right Printworks (entertainment)

8 Questions to consider What are the problems of the 24-hour city, in terms of jobs, social values and environment and what can be done to address them? What does a 24-hour city have to offer more than a youth-dominated drink and drugs dance culture in bars and clubs? What are the safety implications for women in the 24-hour city? And how far can the city council plan the 24-hour city? Cwestiynau i’w hystyried Beth ydy problemau’r ddinas 24 awr, yn nhermau swyddi, gwerthoedd a’r amgylchedd a beth ellir ei wneud i ddatrys y rhain? Beth sydd gan dinas 24 awr i gynnig ar wahân i ddiwylliant o yfed a chymryd cyffuriau mewn bariau a chlybiau? Beth yw goblygiadau diogelwch i ferched mewn dinas 24 awr? I ba hyd mae cyngor y ddinas yn gallu cynllunio dinas 24 awr?

9 Westminster, London Mapping the effect of the night time geography of the city Crime Westminster, Llundain Mapio effaith daearyddiaeth nos y ddinas Troseddu

10 Is there a connection with the patterns on the previous slide? A oes cysylltiad efo’r patrymau ar y sleid blaenorol?

11 Pedestrian flowsLlifau cerddwyr

12 Why the difference? Pam y gwahaniaeth?

13 A geographical information system showing various ways by which the city can be mapped. System gwybodaethy ddaearyddol sy’n dangos gwahanol ffyrdd y gellir mapio’r ddinas.

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