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Photosynthesis & Respiration

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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis & Respiration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants and other producers transform solar energy into the chemical energy of glucose.

2 Photosynthesis Means: PHOTO- Light, Synthesis: Put together…
Put together using light Takes place in Organelle: chloroplast Contains chlorophyll: green pigment, traps sunlight: ultimate source of energy TYPE of ORGANISM where this happens: AUTOTROPHS: self nourish with sun (PLANTS only) STEPS: Trap energy from sunlight: in chloroplast water enters through roots: by osmosis CO2 enters through stomata: by diffusion Glucose (C6H12O6)-a simple sugar is made & stored O2 released through stomata as waste: by diffusion

3 What is the Equation for the Chemical Reaction of Photosynthesis?

4 What is the equation for the chemical reaction of photosynthesis?

5 What is the equation for the chemical reaction of photosynthesis?
Six molecules of carbon dioxide react with six molecules of water to form 1 molecule of glucose and six molecules of oxygen.

6 Describe Photosynthesis

7 Describe Photosynthesis
The process of changing light energy to chemical energy Energy stored as sugar Occurs in plants and some algae Plants need light energy, CO2, and H2O Takes place in the chloroplasts, using chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants

8 What happens during photosynthesis?

9 What happens during photosynthesis?
Plants capture light energy and use that energy to make glucose Sunlight provides the energy needed by chlorophyll to change molecules of carbon dioxide and water into glucose Oxygen is also released in this reaction

10 What happens during photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through holes called stomata CO2 combines with the stored energy in the chloroplasts through a chemical reaction to make glucose The sugar is moved through tubes in the leaf to the roots, stems and fruits of the plants Some of the sugar is used right away by the plant for energy; some is stored as starch; and some is built into plant tissue

11 PHOTOSYNTHESIS: What goes in & out… and where…
Reactants: H20, CO2, (sunlight) Products: Glucose(C6H12O6), O2 Roots: take up WATER- Osmosis, store food Leaves: site of Photosynthesis Palisade Mesophyll: Layer of leaf where most of chloroplasts are found Stomata: Controlled by the guard cells, GAS EXCHANGE occurs here (CO2 in, O2 out) Stem: Vascular Bundle containing: Xylem- takes in water from the soil into the roots up to leaves Phloem- takes food(sugar) made in leaves down to the roots to be stored for later use



14 Stomata closed and opened: GAS EXCHANGE


16 Why is this important to us?

17 Why is this important to us?
We cannot make our own food (glucose, energy), we must get our food from plants. Plants are the first step in the food chain. The oxygen released during photosynthesis is necessary for all living things.

18 Learn more about photosynthesis at:

19 What is Cellular Respiration?

20 What is Cellular Respiration?
The release of chemical energy for use by cells.

21 What is Cellular Respiration?
Once the energy that was in sunlight is changed into chemical energy by photosynthesis, an organism has to transform the chemical energy into a a form that can be used by the organism. This process is cellular respiration.

22 Describe Cellular Respiration

23 Cellular Respiration Purpose: Makes energy for cell (ATP)
Takes place in the MITOCHONDRIA ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is energy Energy + P + ADP = ATP OCCURS IN: Autotrophs & Heterotrophs: different source(others) nourishment… BOTH Plants & Animals go through this process of Cellular Respiration! Because…all organisms need to carry out life functions!

24 What is the chemical equation for cellular respiration?

25 What is the chemical equation for cellular respiration?

26 Read how photosynthesis & respiration are related:

27 Uses ATP to create sugars Uses sugars to create ATP
Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration Reactants CO2 H2O Glucose (sugar) O2 Products Sugars Driving Force Light Enzymes Organelle Chloroplast Mitochondria Purpose Uses ATP to create sugars Uses sugars to create ATP

28 Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

29 Carbon dioxide + water + light energy
Glucose + oxygen 6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy C6H12O6 + 6O2

30 Glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + ATP
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36ATP Reactants: Glucose & Oxygen Products: Carbon Dioxide, Water, ATP

31 Why is respiration important to autotrophs and heterotrophs.
Aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria. In respiration chemical energy from the bonds of carbohydrate molecules is released and used to make ATP. Both heterotrophs and autotrophs carry out aerobic respiration in their mitochondria. Without energy the cell would die. All biological work demands energy. Energy is needed to walk, exercise and to move molecules across membranes in your nerves and kidneys and all cells carry out cellular work. Autotrophs make their own food while heterotrophs must take in food.

32 What ATP & ADP stand for… How ATP forms & used in the cell.
ATP – adenosine triphosphate ADP – adenosine diphosphate ATP  ADP + P + Energy Aerobic respiration (with O2) produces 38 ATP. It uses 2 ATP, leaving a net of 36 ATP ready to use for the cells to do work

33 Contrast the process of Aerobic respiration and Fermentation
Aerobic respiration produces ENERGY in form of ATP a total of 38 ATP, it requires 2 ATP that leaves a net of 36 ATP made. C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 38P + 38ADP  6CO2 + 6H2O + 38ATP There are two types of fermentation (both are anaerobic). In one, pyruvic acid changes to lactid acid. In the other, it changes ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.


35 Lactic Acid Fermentation
Glucose (no oxygen)  2 Pyruvic Acid  2 Lactic Acid When your muscles use up the oxygen after excercising for a while, then anaerobic respiration occurs. Lactic acid that forms causes muscle fatigue. Anaerobic (no oxygen)

36 Identify the types of organisms that produce alcohol.
Many bacteria and fungi such as yeast are the end products of alcoholic fermentation. Yeast is used in fermentation to produce alcoholic fermentation. Yeast is used in fermentation to produce alcohol. Alcoholic fermentation also produces CO2, which can be used to cause bread dough to rise. Ethyl alcohol produced by alcoholic fermentation is the alcohol in beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages.

37 Alcohol Fermentation Yeast is used in alcohol fermentation
Alcoholic fermentation also produces CO2, which can be used to make bread rise Ethyl alcohol produced is the alcohol found in beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages Alcohol Fermentation Glucose + (in the presence of yeast) (no oxygen)  Pyruvic Acid  2 Ethanol (alcohol) + CO2

38 Photosynthesis Paragraph
The process of photosynthesis occurs in organisms like plants. The organelle where this process occurs is the chloroplast. The green pigment that is found in within this organelle is called chlorophyll. The reactant water is absorbed by the roots by the process of osmosis. The other reactant carbon dioxide enters the plant through the stomata by the process of diffusion. A condition necessary for this reaction to occur is sunlight. Balanced Chemical Equation: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 The waste product that humans are concerned with is oxygen. The product that is the food for plants is glucose.

39 Cellular Respiration Paragraph
The process of cellular respiration occurs in the organelle called the mitochondria. This process can happen in light and dark. All plants and animals go through this process. There are 2 types of this process. The first type, aerobic respiration uses the gas oxygen. In this process glucose is broken down to form water, carbon dioxide and energy. Balanced Chemical Equation: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36 ATP The other type of respiration is anaerobic respiration and occurs without oxygen. This process is also known as fermentation. The goal is to break down glucose to get energy.

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