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SPEED DATING GET THEM DIGITS! Uh, I mean review time…

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1 SPEED DATING GET THEM DIGITS! Uh, I mean review time…

2 Date 1 (1.1.4 Crime Scene) 1. Identify the major (and 2 minute) factors on the fingerprint to the top right. 2. Antigen and antibodies: which is found on the side of the red blood cell, which is found in the plasma. 3. Type A blood has which antigens and which antibodies? 4. Type O blood is given to an individual with Type B blood. Will the blood coagulate or not as a result?

3 Date 2 (1.2 DNA) 1. Label A, B, C, D, E 2. Which two bases must D be? How can you tell? 3. Which portion of this image will be different based on whether the base is a purine or a pyrimidine? 4. What is the specific sugar found in DNA?

4 Date 3 (2.1.2 Insulin and Glucose) 1. What was the purpose of the insulin test and the glucose test? 2. In a healthy human, what should happen to glucose, and insulin numbers in the few hours after a meal? Use numbers! Draw a picture if you need. 3. What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes? 4. In 5 steps, explain how insulin helps regulate the blood sugar level. (Step 1: blood sugar rises after you eat….. Step 5: glucose enters cell). 5. Insulin is a hormone. Explain what a hormone actually is. 6. What hormone would be released if blood glucose levels were too low?

5 Date 4 (2.2.1 Food Tests) 1. List  The 4 biomolecules  The monomers for each one (if there are no monomers, write none)  The elements found in each monomer  The purpose of each of the biomolecules. 2. Is the figure to the top right showing hydrolysis or dehydration synthesis? 3. What does the term hypoglycemia mean? 4. If I run a benedicts test on an unknown food, and it turns an orange/red color. What is is true of that unknown food? 5. After running a lugol’s iodine test on a food sample, the sample turned burnt yellow. What does that tell you about the food?

6 Date 5 (3.1 Sickle Cell) 1. What are the 4 main components of blood and what is the major purpose of each component? 2. What part of a red blood cell actually carries oxygen? 3. Where are red blood cells produced? 4. How long do red blood cells “last”? 5. What is sickle cell anemia? 6. What is the actual amino acid mutation that causes sickle cell anemia? 7. What does a hematocritictest actually test? 8. Would an individual with sickle cell anemia have a high level or a low level as a result of a hematocritic test? WHY?

7 Date 6 (3.2 DNA Gel Electrophoresis) 1. Before we run a DNA gel, what do we need to cut the DNA. How do we do that? 2. Which direction does DNA travel (+ to – OR – to +). Why? 3. Which DNA strands move furthest to the bottom? 4. Which wells on the Gel to the right are the same sample of DNA?

8 Date 7 (4.2 Heart and some Tests) 1. Starting in the Right Atrium, tell me the pathway of blood (every chamber, valve, and blood vessel) to get the blood to return to the RA. 2. Which number is on top of a blood pressure reading? What does that number represent? 3. What is a healthy range for blood pressure? What are the units? 4. How do we measure heart rate? What are the units? 5. Explain the electrical impulse as it travels through the heart. 6. What does not look normal about the EKG found below?

9 Date 8 (4.3 LDL and HDL) 1. Where is LDL produced in the body? 2. How are LDL and HDL related? What does each do? 3. What is a healthy level for HDL? LDL? 4. What do high LDL levels indicate? 5. List 3 things that you could do that would increase your LDL levels. 6. Briefly describe the following:  Angioplasty  Stent Insertion  Cardiac Artery Bypass Graft Surgery

10 Date 9 (5.1 Gram Staining) 1. What are the 6 types of pathogens? 2. Which pathogens are not alive? 3. Which pathogens can be killed with antibiotics? 4. List 2 differences between gram+ and gram- bacteria. 5. Gram staining is 4 steps: Gram’s Iodine, Iodine, Ethyl Alcohol, then Safranin. What was the basic purpose of each step? 6. Why is gram positive bacteria end up displaying as the color purple?

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