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CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 1 { } CAIRN A mutualist approach for distributing online contents in the humanities APM 2009 Conference.

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1 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 1 { } CAIRN A mutualist approach for distributing online contents in the humanities APM 2009 Conference – March 20th -----------------------------------------

2 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 2 { } Context (1/2) 2005 - 95 % of French universities budget dedicated to electronic journals acquisitions concerned english-speaking ones French-speaking journals disqualification : dramatic impact of online referencing for authors Existing projects concentrate on a patrimonial and pure open access approach : Gallica,, Persée demand for current digital contents in French language

3 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 3 { } Context (2/2) Atomization of academic publishing structures in the SHS Technical and organizational limits of individual experiences Slow but structural decrease for printed journals subcriptions Huge aggregators perceived as a strategic threat publishers relunctance to come to double publication

4 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 4 { } Cairn (1/2) An initiative launched in 2005 by … French (La Découverte, Belin, Erès) and Belgian (De Boeck) publishers Belgian institutionnal investors (Université de Liège) With the support of … French National Library - BnF National Center for Books - CNL … to propose a balanced approach : Publishers & Users Private & Public Belgian & French actors

5 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 5 { } Cairn (2/2) A plaform : … …. giving access to major academic journals in full text … … in the Humanities and social sciences only … … but also to « general interest » journals of academic level … …. focussed on current issues : from 2001 until the very last issue released in print format

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11 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 11 { } Access model – the « moving wall » Open access … Metadata for each articles : abstracts, indexes Introductions, editorials, book reviews Archives behind the moving wall fixed by each publisher … and conditionnal access : full text for the latest issues Individuals : pay-per-view Institutions : annual licencing for general or thematic packages

12 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 12 { } Publishers choices 2 years : 3,1 % 3 years : 35,1 % 4 years : 37,1 % 5 years : 24,7 % (On average : 3,8 years) 200020052009

13 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 13 { } Observations (1/3) The mutualist approach seem to be quite appropriate The « thresold effect » for libraries Recurring investments needed to construct value-added services Economies of scale in production and promotion The moving wall approach has been well accepted The economic model has progessively come to be sustainable From 20 % to 30 % of academic journals incomes 100 pay-per-view daily purchases on average Diffusion into 250 institutions

14 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 14 { } Consultations - - march 2006 to march

15 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 15 { } Cairns institutionnal licensing – number of licenses

16 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 16 { } Observations (2/3) Users profiles are actually quite diversified … Frontier between academic and high-level non academlc publications seem to be quite thin in the Humanities and social sciences … … as well as the frontier between the academic environment, professionnal ones and growing part of « leisure users » … and their demand are evolving quite quickly Journals have led to demands for other contents Which would required new models for publishers

17 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 17 { } Online enquiry – Autumn 2008 – Users profiles

18 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 18 { } Online enquiry – Autumn 2008 Users demand for diversification

19 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 19 { } Observations (3/3) Some specificities observed for publications in SHS Given the data observed on, consultations for academic journals in SHS are visibly long A degressive but flat curve for consultations - a « long trail » phenomenon for SHS publications ? Some possible lectures … French and Belgian publishers have accepted that arround 66 % of the potential digital content market is now released online in open access legal deposit after 12 or 18 months, as it was proposed in the European Commission mainly based on observations made for STM journals, may unsettle the actual model for SHS online publication

20 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 20 { } SHS long trail phenomenon Dispersion of consultations according to the date of publication for articles 66 % Conditionnal33 % Open-access

21 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 21 { } SHS Long trail phenomenon 50 % Publishers projects 50 % - Patrimonial projects 66%33 %

22 CAIRN Chercher : Repérer : Progresser 20/03/2009 22 { } SHS Long trail phenomenon 15 ? 85 % - Patrimonial projects

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