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Part II Reading and Language Activities Book 2-Unit 7.

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2 Part II Reading and Language Activities Book 2-Unit 7

3 Pre-reading Task Comprehension Work Language Work Reading and Language Activities Book 2-Unit 7 Return to Menu

4 Book 2-Unit 7 Pre-reading Tasks Read the words and expressions on page 94 and match them with the pictures below. coast footpath pastures mountain ridges

5 rice paddy cornfield bay cliff lawn cultivated fields Book 2-Unit 7

6 brook woods waterfall estuary beach orchards valley bushes Book 2-Unit 7

7 In small groups, identify important ingredients, which constitute the typical English country- side as shown in the pictures below. Useful Words and Expressions mountains, hills in the mist, trees dotting the field, broad cultivated fields with footpaths dividing the land, village/farm houses nearby, valley, streams, sheep, cattle, river, stone bridge, villagers fishing on the river, old trees, riverbanks, dogs, mill, pasture on which cattle is grazing Book 2-Unit 7

8 Traditional English Rural Landscape in the 18 th Century

9 Traditional English Rural Landscape in the 19 th Century

10 Typical English Rural Landscape: Yorkshire English Rural Landscape in the 20 th Century

11 Book 2-Unit 7 Return to Menu

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