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Kick-Off 1.List the 6 components of fitness 2.What does FITT stand for? 3.What is the target heart rate?

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Presentation on theme: "Kick-Off 1.List the 6 components of fitness 2.What does FITT stand for? 3.What is the target heart rate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kick-Off 1.List the 6 components of fitness 2.What does FITT stand for? 3.What is the target heart rate?

2 Day 3 of Health Game Plan Today… 1. PE UNIT assessment 2. Notes on the Skeletal System 3. Few short videos 4. Play-Doh Activity (Make your skeleton)

3 Objectives of “The Skeletal System” To learn the functions of the skeletal system The shapes of bones Ossification or “how bones are made/ repaired”

4 Bill Nye The Science Guy 79Y 79Y

5 Did you know that… The skeletal system consists of BONES and CONNECTIVE TISSUE.

6 Bones Quick Facts 206 bones in the body… Made up of living tissues formed into different layers… The outer layer is hard, densely packed and compact. The inner layer is spongy bone, a less dense bone with a network of cavities.

7 Ossification The process by which bone is formed, renewed and repaired. All bones begin in the embryo as cartilage… through ossification, it turns into bone!

8 Connective Tissues Quick Facts Connective tissues cushion the bones, attach bone to bone, and attach bones to muscles… (Cartilage, ligaments, tendons)

9 A. Cartilage: acts as a cushion between 2 bones to reduce friction. B. Ligaments: attaches bones to another bone C. Tendons: attaches muscle to the bone

10 School House Rock ug ug

11 Functions of Skeletal System Support Body Protecting Organs Movement Producing Red and White Blood Cells Storing Minerals (Calcium and Phosphorus)

12 Supporting the Body Provides framework for the body… Bones are like the beams inside a building and our organs, muscles and skin are organized around the bones… just like the walls of a building.

13 Protecting the Organs Cranium: Protects the brain Ribs/Sternum: Protects the lungs, heart and some digestive organs Pelvis: Protect and support the digestive and reproductive organs Spinal Column: Protect the Spine

14 Movement Bones are the levers that help the body move in different directions and in different ways… Muscles move bones by contracting, which pulls the bone, causing us to move around. The bones by themselves can’t move without the muscles that are connected to them.

15 Blood Cell Production Inside the LONG bones in our bodies… there is a cavity that is filled with a substance called Bone Marrow. In this tissue, new blood cells are produced, and damaged blood cells are repaired.

16 Mineral Storage A mineral is something that the body needs to carry out functions like thinking, breathing, and moving. Calcium is a major part of the bone, inside the bone is it is stored. Why do we need Calcium inside our bones? The less calcium the bone has, the weaker it will become…

17 Shapes of Bones Long Short Flat Irregular

18 Osteoporosis A condition in which here is a progressive loss of bone tissue…. PREVENTION: Weight bearing activities, calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus

19 Silly Bone Rap fgk fgk



22 Play-Doh Activity… Create a skeleton including all the bones on your notes…. (cranium to tarsals) Place it on your blank sheet of paper and label each bone! I will take a picture of your skeleton for your daily grade… BE NEAT! Rules: this is a grade… be mature… if you are not capable to use play-doh… you will not get credit.

23 Play-Doh Grading 100 points Each bone made and labeled (16 bones) Neat and anatomically proportionate






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