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USOE – Adult Education Services April 15, 2015. * What is the philosophy of your program and how does is match the intent of the grant? * Regardless of.

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Presentation on theme: "USOE – Adult Education Services April 15, 2015. * What is the philosophy of your program and how does is match the intent of the grant? * Regardless of."— Presentation transcript:

1 USOE – Adult Education Services April 15, 2015

2 * What is the philosophy of your program and how does is match the intent of the grant? * Regardless of funding stream, how will you adjust your service pattern to succeed with the new funding formula? * Perfomers, ESOL Completers, Credit Diploma Changes * Preparing for WIOA

3 * State Plan: * Adult Education and Corrections Education * WIA/WIOA Transition AEFLA Plan: * ABE, EL/Civics, Prisons and Institutions

4 Program Goal Plans – State Plan Tips: State Plan Goals 1. Increase program Level Gains 2. Increase student use of digital technology, 3. Increase Utah secondary school diploma and/or GED® 4. Increase student transition to post-secondary education and/or training 5. Develop and implement a partnership with the Department of Workforce Service 6. Develop and implement a partnership with Vocational Rehabilitation.

5 Projected Program Plan – State and AELFA Plans 6 rows 4 rows Tips:

6 Program Narrative – State Plan Tips:

7 Intensity and Duration of Services – State Plan

8 Staffing and Professional Development (PD) Plan – State and AEFLA Plans Tips: 1. 80% of staff from each funding stream must participate in adult education specific PD

9 In-Kind Funding - REQUIRED element of AEFLA Plan not State Plan Tips: 1.MUST be non-federal sources 2. Cannot be funds that are used as matches for other grants

10 Tips: 1.Calculate Indirect costs FIRST 2.Each grant MUST include $ for PD Budget – State and AEFLA Plans

11 Calculating Indirect Costs - State and AEFLA Plans Tips: 1.State Plan – non- restricted rate 2.AEFLA Plans – restricted rate 3.Program does not charge indirect costs make a note in budget box J

12 Employee Sheet - State and AEFLA Plans Tips: 1.UT licensed teachers - enter Cactus Number, Licensed Area and Expiration data of license 2.Total salary/benefit costs must equal total of boxes A+B on the budget page

13 Program Description – AEFLA Plan Tips:

14 Intensity and Duration of Services – AEFLA Plan Tips:

15 Program Goal Plans – AEFLA Plan Goals on the AEFLA Plans 1. Increase Program Level Gains 2. Increase student use of digital technology 3. Integrate career pathways for all students 4. Increase college and career readiness expectations for all students 5. Increase Utah secondary school diploma and/or GED® outcomes 6. Increase student transition to post-secondary education and/or training 7. Integrate student access to training programs within your region 8. Develop and implement a partnership with the Department of Workforce Service 9. Develop and implement a partnership with Vocational Rehabilitation. 10. Integrate transition plan for youth 16-24 Tips:

16 Coordination/Collaboration - AEFLA Plan Tips:

17 * Staff Page: * Cactus ID numbers, licensed area and date licenses expire * PD - funds in each grant must be set aside to ensure that 80% of the staff paid for from each funding stream can participate in the adult education specific PD trainings * AEFLA WIA/WIOA Transition Plan - 2 nd year grants - must be a continuation of the intent of the original grant * Goals - put thought into your goals … avoid cutting and pasting * Indirect Costs - set Indirect cost rate first, and then work the budget backwards

18 * All grants, both State and AEFLA plans are due May 1 st. * All grant signature sheets are due electronically or by mail on May 15 th.

19 * Grants are reviewed as received * Grant approval or request of revisions are emailed directly to the director * State plans – once approved the State Minimum School Program (MSP) funds are allocated in a 1/12 th distribution by school finance * AEFLA plans– * Federal dollars are available to states on July 1 st * Data from previous year is evaluated on July 16 th applying the AEFLA 2 nd year funding formula * Programs are notified of awarded amount based on state allocation and program’s outcomes from the previous year (July 16-18) * Applications are amended and resubmitted (by July 31 st ) * Award letters are issued when submitted/revised plans are approved (4-6 week processing); date of award letter will be July 1 st – funds are not to be expended until program receives award letter (receipts may go back to July 1 st date) * Plans (state or AEFLA) not approved – fund allocations may be withheld until approved or in some cases, funds may be rescinded


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