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Social Networking has transformed the way in which we collect and share resources, ideas, methodologies and best practices.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Networking has transformed the way in which we collect and share resources, ideas, methodologies and best practices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Networking has transformed the way in which we collect and share resources, ideas, methodologies and best practices

2 Social Networking = “State of Mind”


4 Online professional development and virtual educational communities can impact student achievement and teaching practices

5 Teachers should be able to easily access the tools, resources, experts and peers they need to be highly effective and supported

6 The Connected Teacher The Connected Teacher




10 Connected Students need Connected Teachers Connected Students need Connected Teachers


12 “Closing the Technology Gap in World Language Teaching”

13 Project wiki

14 We won the “Collaborate for Good” contest!

15 Session 1 Learning the tools Session 2 Integrating the tools in the classroom Session 3 Becoming a life-long learner

16 Session 1 Learning the Tools

17 Digital literacy is less about the tools... and more about the thinking!




21 Preliminary Activities Expectations >Wall Wisher< Technology Skills Survey >Survey Monkey< Introductory Post Learning Styles Poll Career Goals and Interests >Edmodo<Edmodo

22 Online PD Teachers Group code grcrsa

23 Webinars Rationale Tools Tutorials and Examples Discussions Blackboard Collaborate ~~~ Post-webinar discussions Edmodo/Skype Post-webinar activities Creative Corner = for a raffle prize

24 Experts Becky Benner-Carr Pete Brooks Dick Detwiler Thekla Fall Laura Franklin Toni Johnson Sanaa Jouejati Dianne Krause Natalie Puhala Amanda Sewald Jan Stewart

25 Let's Communicate!

26 Let's Present!

27 Let's Quiz and Poll!

28 Let's Glog, Blog and Phlog!

29 Let's speak!

30 Let's Tell Stories! VoiceThread

31 Creative Corner with Photopeach

32 1.Communication 2.Social Interaction 3.Authenticity 4.Exposure 5.Feedback 6.Learner autonomy Web 2.0 tools can enhance language learning by facilitating: Web 2.0 + Language Learning

33 Project Blog

34 Session 2 Integrating the Tools in the Classroom

35 Webinars Let's Brainstorm! Let's Plan! Let's Assess! ~~~ Blackboard Collaborate Bubbl.Us/Google Docs Edmodo/Skype Wikispaces

36 ACTFL 21 st Century P-21 skills map

37 Session 3 Becoming a life-long learner

38 Creating a PLN (Personal/Professional Learning Network)

39 If you don't have a PLN, you don't know what you are missing!

40 “Curating” the Web

41 Collecting Organizing Sharing

42 Pearltrees lets you keep at hand the web pages you like, discover some new ones in your areas of interest, and share them easily with your friends.

43 A pearltree is made of pearls and each pearl represents a web content. So, you use your pearls (web content: posts, comments, vids, pics, etc.) to tell a story on your interest in the way that makes sense for you. In a nutshell, Pearltrees is about enabling people to “curate” their vision of what they are interested in.




47 Livebinders is your 3-ring binder for the web where you can collect resources, organize them clearly and neatly, share them and collaborate with others.




51 Guest Speaker: Ms. Deanne Cobb-Zygadlo





56 Use Pinterest to create an “online pinboard” for a WL classroom activity, and post it in Edmodo Online PD Teachers - Group Code grcrsa Creative Corner (for a webcam!)

57 Post the event you attend, and a commentary about it in Edmodo Online PD Teachers - Group Code grcrsa Act 48hs anyone?

58 Learning to Network, and Networking to Learn

59 Questions? Help? Silvina or Deanne!

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