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Shelley Kovich

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2 Shelley Kovich

3 Teachers 5 th Grade Sherry Sanborn (Room 2) Tommy Smith (Room 3) 5 th /6 th Grade Shelley Kovich (Room 4) 6 th Grade Teresa Jackson (Room 1) Susie Prado (Room 11) Support Staff Ms. Brothers (Room 602) Ms. James-Rocha (Room 603)

4 School & Classroom Rules


6 Rewards 25 = Certificate AND instant prize, OR raffle ticket for pizza or ice- cream 100 = Extended Recess More incentives to follow

7 Student of the Month September-Pride October-Respect November-Responsible December-Resourceful January-Safe February-Pride March-Respect April-Responsible May-Resourceful June-Safe

8 Consequences “PAWS” To Remember 3 in one Character Trait = Referral

9 Consequences Referral Minor Communication with Student and/or Parent Major Communication with Dr. Mitchell and/or Parent MUST BE SIGNED BY PARENT AND RETURNED TO SCHOOL THE FOLLOWING DAY


11 Conferences Nov. 28 th -Dec. 6 th We’ll be on minimum day schedule. Dismissal @ 1:00 Should take about 1 hour

12 District Goals

13 Reaching District Goal 1

14 ELA Tracking Sheet 76 95 60 89 49

15 Math Tracking Sheet 5 th Grade 6 th Grade standard

16 District Goals

17 Reaching District Goal 2

18 What is ELD? (English Language Development) Definition: ELD is the systematic use of instructional strategies designed to promote the acquisition of English by students whose primary language is other than English. SDAIE (Specifically Designed Academic Instruction in English) Definition: it is the approach used in multi-linguistic content classrooms to provide additional language support to students while they are learning academic subjects. Examples: Thinking Maps, Realia, Pair Share, Group Activities, and many more useful strategies.


20 Academics Core Curriculum Reading Writing English Language Development Math Content Areas Science 5 th Physical, Life, and Earth 6 th Earth Science Social Studies 5 TH U.S. History 6 th Ancient Civilizations

21 Physical Education 5 th grade Test One Mile under 11 minutes Sit-ups/Push-ups- Maximum 75 in approx. 4 minutes Monday, Wednesday, & Friday Running shoes and clothes Jackets

22 Report Card

23 Grading Scale

24 Grading Key for Content Areas O=Outstanding S=Satisfactory N=Needs Improvement U=Unsatisfactory


26 Daily Schedule 8:00-8:30-ELD 8:30-10:00-Math 10:00-10:30-Writing 10:30-10:50-Recess 10:50-12:20-Reading 12:20-12:50-Lunch 12:50-2:15-Content Every Wednesday school is out at 1:25

27 Weekly Enrichment Library-Ms. Fabela Friday 10:50 Computer-Mr. Vu Wednesday 8:30 Vocal Music-Mrs. Friedl Monday 9:30 Chior (Thursday 1:30-2:15) Instrumental Music-Mrs. Jones Tuesday & Friday Strings (1:15-1:45) Band (1:45-2:15)

28 Homework Core Curriculum Math 8-10 problems from lesson Math Facts Reading Read for 30 minutes Science/Social Studies Occasional reading, workbooks and/or projects.

29 Organization SHOULD INCLUDE: Pencil Pouch 2 pencils and eraser Agenda SIGN ONLY IF HOMEWORK BECOMES AN ISSUE Dividers Math Notes Handouts ELA Notes Handouts

30 Agendas Communication tool 30 minutes reading and study math facts every night


32 Homework Tips 1.HOMEWORK POLICY: about 1 hour per day 2.Have a designated SPACE for your child to study with SUPPLIES available nearby. (dictionary, pencils, erasers, colored pencils, and so on) 3.Have a ROUTINE – a time for work, reading, and playtime. Some children need a check off list to stay organized. 4.QUESTIONS-If a child asks for help, don’t immediately offer a solution. Instead lead your child into figuring it out for himself/herself how to proceed, and then assist.

33 Habits of a Scholar 1)Eat a nutritional breakfast before school 2) Student have Agenda and Binder at all times 3)Homework/Class work completed on time 4)Students must eat lunch! 5)SLEEP (8-10 hours) 6)Need to come to school every day! 8 missed topics for one day absent per week 32 missed topics for one day absent per week in one month 256 missed topics for one day absent per week in one school year 5) TEAM WORK: PARENT,STUDENT &TEACHERS

34 Kid’s Club Monday – Friday Provides-homework assistance, enrichment activities, sports, arts crafts, cooking, fieldtrips, etc. Site Coordinator-Ms. Connie Stop by Kids Club, Office, or classroom if interested and ask for a referral!


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