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RESPECT & TCAP RAFFLES. Overview of Lesson  TCAP Raffle  TCAP Attendance Raffle  RESPECT  Respect Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "RESPECT & TCAP RAFFLES. Overview of Lesson  TCAP Raffle  TCAP Attendance Raffle  RESPECT  Respect Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview of Lesson  TCAP Raffle  TCAP Attendance Raffle  RESPECT  Respect Jeopardy

3 TCAP RAFFLE  AFTER each TCAP test is completed and collected, you may earn a PURPLE Launch Ticket for:  Trying your best on the test!  Being prepared with reading materials for when you have completed the test  Remaining quiet and not being disruptive when the test is completed  Demonstrating the 4R’s (Respect, Responsibility, Resourcefulness, & Reflectiveness)

4 Raffle Drawing & Prize  Win your choice of:  Hot Cheetos  M & M’s  Snickers  Skittles

5 Raffle Drawing  Submit your tickets in the raffle bucket at lunch, as you enter the lunch room.  Once all the students are seated and have received their lunch, the raffle winner will be drawn.  There will be one winner from each grade level  You will earn your prize right away!!

6 TCAP Attendance Raffle  If you are present for every day of TCAP testing (and do not require any make-up testing)…  Your name will be entered into a raffle  If your name is drawn, you may choose:  $5 gift card to Forever 21, Walmart, 7-11, or Starbucks  Tray of Brownies  50 Launch Tickets

7 You respect others when you recognize and sincerely acknowledge their humanity, worth, and significance. Each of us deserve respect simply because of our humanity.

8 Respect Videos  ional-stories-tv-spots/121- Timeout ional-stories-tv-spots/121- Timeout  ional-stories-tv-spots/72-Locker ional-stories-tv-spots/72-Locker

9 5 Most Common Reasons Behavior Referrals are Written:  Defiance 10%  Disrespectful 15%  Dress Code 17%  Dangerous (pushing, slapping, etc.) 18%  Disruptive 18%

10 Data Discussion – (Pair share, than whole group share out)  Was anyone surprised by the top 5 behaviors?  Did anyone think the other behaviors would in the top 5? If so, which ones?  Why do you think those 5 behaviors happen more often than bullying, students being late to class, and fighting?

11 Respectful behaviors – Jeopardy Review YYou should help out by doing chores at home TTake care of both your property and the property of others WWait your turn when others are having a conversation SSay ‘please’ when asking for things SSay ‘thank you’ when something is given to you TTake responsibiliy if you do something wrong IIf you break something by accident that is not yours, you can take responsibility and offer to replace it

12  Don’t insult or make fun of others  Listen to others when they speak  Value other people’s opinions  Don’t pressure someone into doing something they do not want to do  We live in a diverse nation made up of many different people. It is important to respect each others’ differences.  If you have hurt someone on purpose or accident, the right thing to do is apologize or say ‘I’m sorry’ Respectful behaviors – Jeopardy Review

13 **Once the webpage opens, you do NOT need to click download or change the number of teams. You simply need to click “start” and begin playing. **Teachers, divide class into teams (however many you feel is appropriate) **when you open the website and play begin playing the game, do not have students select the far right column titled “BOCES” **team with most answers correct may earn Launch Tickets.

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