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Time Management and Self- Study. Your aim 18 hours of self-study a week.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Management and Self- Study. Your aim 18 hours of self-study a week."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Management and Self- Study

2 Your aim 18 hours of self-study a week

3 Where does my time go? (Apart from classes and self study) My journey Eating Cooking Shopping Facebook, What’s App, Skype, phone Socialising with friends Personal admin We all have 168 hours a week. WORK OUT WHAT IS TAKING YOUR TIME. Can you save any time?

4 Decide your priorities Sleeping Eating Studying Socialising Other?

5 How to save time Share the jobs eg Cooking, shopping. Cook one day a week each? Takeaways?

6 A Possible Timetable for 18 hours of Self- Study Monday2 hours Tuesday2 hours Wednesday3 hours Thursday2 hours Friday5 hours Saturday4 hours in the morning SundayFREE No studying

7 What sort of self-study should I do? Every day Daily homework Review today’s lessons Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Longer pieces of homework Review everything on Saturday.

8 Other self-study 1 Look at internet sites Read books, newspapers Write on the class forum Learn 20 words a day from Monday – Friday. REVIEW them on Saturday. Do the exercises in the Academic Word List website (by Averil Coxhead)

9 Additional activities Watch TV programmes, especially documentaries (BBC iPlayer). Watch films. With or without subtitles. Talk to English speaking friends (serious topics + follow up language work!) Read books about your subject Listen to TED talks, one a day Listen to music Have the radio / tv on all the time, whatever you are doing Join a club or society and do activities with English speaking people

10 Enjoy the process Keep each activity short. Max 40-50 minutes per session. (Don’t just sit in your room for hours.) Vary the activities. Include all 4 language skills. Do activities you enjoy. Don’t choose anything too difficult. Doing lots of easier things is better than doing a few very hard things. Study together sometimes.

11 Look after yourself Health = Number 1 Happiness helps health. Have one guaranteed day off every week.

12 Any other ideas? Please tell us!

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