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What you need: Writing Utensil, Bellwork Sheet, Journal and Plant Flash Cards. Bellwork Today: Observe what happened to the celery over the weekend. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "What you need: Writing Utensil, Bellwork Sheet, Journal and Plant Flash Cards. Bellwork Today: Observe what happened to the celery over the weekend. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 What you need: Writing Utensil, Bellwork Sheet, Journal and Plant Flash Cards. Bellwork Today: Observe what happened to the celery over the weekend. 1. Write down/describe your observations. 2. Explain why this happened. If you finished flash cards over the weekend, show me! Happy Monday, BIO-NINJAS

2 Quick recap.. Can you explain how the cycle (process) of plant reproduction occurs. Words to use: stamen, pistil, pollen, ovule, fruit, seed dispersal, germination

3 Write this down!

4 Homework tonight “Plant System Interactions” by: Alyssa Dolny On my website Alyssa Dolny’s youtube channel. Remind 101 will be sent out later today with a direct link. Cornell Notes! Highlight, summary and higher level questions!

5 Notes: Transport System Essential Question: How does a plant use the transport system to maintain homeostasis?

6 Homeostasis: an organisms ability to maintain a stable internal condition What are some examples of things your body regulates? **Regulate=maintain homeostasis***

7 Today we’re going to look at how plants maintain homeostasis.

8 Remember: Plant Parts/Systems Reproductive System = Flower (with male and female parts) Transport System = tissues in stem Nutrient System = Leaf + Root Structural Support System = Stem + Roots All of these parts and systems work together to help a plant maintain homeostasis.

9 What is the structural support system made of? *Left hand side

10 Roots Hold plant in position Absorb water and minerals from the soil Cells are specialized for water intake

11 Wheat seed Root hairs Fragile parts of cells that grow from the main root They massively increase the surface area for absorption

12 Root hair cells (x150)

13 Stems: structure that supports the plant connects and carries water and nutrients between the roots and leaves

14 What is the transport system made of?

15 Remember: Plant Parts/Systems Reproductive System = Flower (with male and female parts) Transport System (shoot system) = tissues in stem Nutrient System = Leaf + Root Structural Support System = Stem + Roots All of these parts and systems work together to help a plant maintain homeostasis.

16 Vascular tissue: specialized tissue (tubes) used to move water and nutrients throughout a plant. *like veins and arteries


18 Xylem: carries water upward from the roots to every part of the plant. Phloem: transports food from the leaf downward to the rest of the plant *(nutrients) produced by photosynthesis.

19 How are the parts of a leaf related to their function?

20 Leaves: organs that perform photosynthesis and contain one or more bundles of vascular tissue.

21 Cuticle: a thick waxy layer on the top of the leaf that protects the leaf against water loss and injury. LIPID

22 Structures of the Leaf Photosynthesis Conserves water Transports water and sugar to stem and roots

23 Leaf diagram – palisade layer CO 2 Most chlorophyll

24 Stomata: openings in the underside of the leaf Allow carbon dioxide and oxygen to diffuse (move) into and out of the leaf. Guard cells: specialized cells that control the opening and closing of stomata.

25 Stoma position

26 Stoma is a small hole Its size is controlled by 2 guard cells closed open

27 Stoma function is for gas exchange in the leaf Carbon dioxide oxygen Guard cell Provided plant is photosynthesising


29 Why would a plant open and close its stomata?

30 Stomata open and close at different times of the day When it is light the plant needs CO 2 for photosynthesis so the stoma open At night (darkness) they close to conserve water

31 Gas exchange

32 Transpiration is the loss of water through leaves. *the stomata regulate this process

33 Osmotic pressure keeps a plant’s leaves and stems rigid. Wilting results from the lack of water—and therefore of the pressure in a plant’s cells.

34 Mix-Freeze-Group I am the vascular tissue that transports nutrients through the plant. I am the structure around the stomata that allows gases to enter and exit the leaf. I am the process during which water is lost through the leaves. I am the vascular tissue that transports water throughout the plant. Phloem Xylem Guard CellTranspiration

35 Flash Cards!!

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