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Rules: Two teams Answers MUST be stated in the form of a question. Answer must be given before music stops playing (10 seconds) One spokesperson per.

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3 Rules: Two teams Answers MUST be stated in the form of a question. Answer must be given before music stops playing (10 seconds) One spokesperson per team. Someone to keep track of points. Most difficult answers are worth more points.

4 Pressing Tools Pressing Techniques Seams & Finishes 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400

5 Pressing Tools - 100 A pressing tool which prevents scorching and/or shiny marks.

6 Pressing Tools - 200 Looks like a miniature ironing board.

7 Pressing Tools - 300 A tool that is used to press darts and curved seams.

8 Pressing Tools - 400 A tool used for pressing enclosed seams.

9 What is a press cloth? Pressing Tools - 100 Answer

10 Pressing Tools - 200 Answer What is a sleeve board?

11 Pressing Tools - 300 Answer What is a tailor’s ham?

12 Pressing Tools - 400 Answer What is a seam roll or a sleeve board?

13 Pressing Techniques- 100 A sliding motion with an iron.

14 Pressing Techniques- 200 An up and down motion with and iron.

15 Pressing Techniques - 300 A fabric which needs to be pressed with the hottest temperature setting.

16 Pressing Techniques - 400 A fabric type which needs to be press with a low temperature setting.

17 Pressing Techniques - 100 Answer What is ironing?

18 Pressing Techniques - 200 Answer What is pressing?

19 Pressing Techniques – 300 Answer What is a cotton and/or linen?

20 Pressing Techniques – 400 Answer What is a synthetic fabric?

21 Seams & Finishes - 100 The standard seam allowance for commercial patterns.

22 Seams & Finishes - 200 A good seam finish will prevent this.

23 Seams & Finishes - 300 The raw edge of fabric is press ¼” to the wrong side and then stitched Enter answer here.

24 Seams & Finishes - 400

25 Seams & Finishes - 100 Answer What is 5/8”?

26 Seams & Finishes - 200 Answer What is raveling or fraying?

27 Seams & Finishes 300 - Answer What is a ‘clean finish’?

28 Seams & Finishes 400 - Answer What is a zig-zag seam open?

29 Final Jeopardy Pressing

30 Final Jeopardy The “pressing rule” in sewing.

31 Final Jeopardy - Answer What is “Press as you go”?




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