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Embedding Careers Education into the Medical Curriculum: An overview of best practice Mike Wilson Health Education England North East Careers Lead Co-Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedding Careers Education into the Medical Curriculum: An overview of best practice Mike Wilson Health Education England North East Careers Lead Co-Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedding Careers Education into the Medical Curriculum: An overview of best practice Mike Wilson Health Education England North East Careers Lead Co-Chair of the Medical Careers Adviser Network (MCAN)

2 Background  Changing face of medical training since Modernising Medical Careers.  Emphasis on provision within Foundation Schools.  Perceived lack of consistent careers support for undergraduate medical students.

3 Was the emphasis on careers within Foundation the best solution? Was the perceived lack of careers support for undergraduate medical students actually the case in practice?

4 What we did  Created an online survey circulated to all careers and clinical careers contacts in Medical schools throughout the UK.  Survey was open for a period of 4 months in 2012.  Responses were primarily qualitative to help provide examples of best practice.

5 What we asked  How the curriculum was structured.  If careers education was delivered and at what stage(s).  Who had primary responsibility for careers support within the medical school.  Was the education an integrated part of the curriculum or ‘bolt on’  Whether they perceived an increase in the need for careers support in undergraduate/graduate medicine.

6 What we found  19 Medical Schools responded out of 32.  Majority operated a spiral curriculum (although the question seemed to confuse the respondents)  Careers input was delivered mainly through a dedicated careers strand (63%) or through a professionalism module (47%)

7  Only 20% of careers input was accredited with 80% being opt-in or bolt on.  Overwhelmingly clinical colleagues had responsibility for careers as part of their job plan, usually added on without any extra time. Only 30% had links with their university careers service.

8  All respondents had noticed an increase in careers queries from undergraduate medical schools.  89% felt this demand would increase with only 11% feeling it had reached a plateau.

9 Some conclusions and ways forward  The curriculum question just confused the issue!  All medical schools seem to be engaging with offering some level of careers support for medical students.  Some examples of good practice with links with university careers service or foundation school careers leads.

10  Heavy reliance on bolt-on provision begs the question of engagement.  A perceived increase in demand on careers support structures in medical schools will have resource implications, exacerbated by potential career structure changes currently discussed by HEE.

11 Any questions? Mike Wilson Careers Lead – Health Education England North East Co-Chair Medical Careers Adviser Network (MCAN) Email:

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