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Washtenaw County Community Action Board 2011 Agenda & Program Direction.

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Presentation on theme: "Washtenaw County Community Action Board 2011 Agenda & Program Direction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washtenaw County Community Action Board 2011 Agenda & Program Direction

2 Meeting Agenda 1. Review CAB Role in the Community Context 2. Identify and Set Board Activities for 2011 3. Kick Off Strategic Planning Process Purposes of Meeting

3 Context: Overarching Purpose of the Community Action Board To serve in an advisory capacity to the Community Action Agency and Board of Commissioners on matters pertaining to causes and consequences of poverty. To act as an advocate for low-income citizens in promoting institutional and community changes which remove barriers to self- sufficiency. 3

4 Context: Key Roles of the Board Communicate and/or collaborate with other individuals and groups who have complementary interest and expertise Provide input on community needs, particularly within area of representation Recommend strategies and actions in response to those identified needs Evaluate the success of the programs in meeting the identified needs Maintain the board as a dynamic, diverse and responsive entity, with membership, composition and rotation designed to sustain vigor and preserve continuity 4

5 Context: Meeting Human Services Needs in Washtenaw County The CAB is one of many agencies, boards & committees working on human service needs! CSTS Workforce Development Board Urban County Partners for Transit Alliance for Children & Youth WCHO DHS Veterans Affairs Washtenaw Health Plan Coordinating Council Blueprint to end Homelessness Youth Summit Community Action Board Blueprint on Aging Literacy Coalition Hunger Relief Coalition on Infant Mortality

6 Context: CAB Funding Streams, Programs & Activities Programs CSBG - Community Services Block Grant - Supports all CAA services and activities of ETCS TEFAP – The Emergency Food Assistance Program - Boxes of healthy food for families CSBG - Tax - Completes Tax returns and applies for Tax Credits for income eligible households. Summer Food for Children - Free Lunch for kids in need CSBG - Migrant Support services for Migrant workers. Emergency Financial Assistance - Utility Shut-off prevention - Eviction Prevention (Multiple Funding Streams) CSBG – Discretionary -Needs Assessment Study of South side of Ypsilanti. (1 time funding)* Weatherization - Applies Energy Saving Improvements to homes of individuals who are income eligible. Senior Nutrition – Congregate Meals*** - Hot noon meals served in community group settings to persons over age 60. Senior Nutrition – Meals on Wheels*** - Meals delivered to the homes of the frail or infirm Foster Grandparent Program*** - Matches and supports older adult volunteers in community settings to work with at risk youth - Twenty hours a week. MI Enrolls – Enrolls Medicaid participants in Health plans. Aides w/plan selection. Match (cash) * 10% Match (cash or in-kind)***

7 Context: Changing Environment Less funding, more need ARRA funding winding down Other program funding at risk as well Needs continue to increase community-wide Reorganization of County departments Streamlining and consolidating the service delivery model Half of the CAB are new members

8 Context: Funding Funds at-risk o CSBG, Federal – 50% ($316,000) Formula to Competitive o CSBG-T (EITC), State – 100% ($20,000) o Emergency Services, Local & State – 100% ($195,000) o Foster Grandparents, Federal & State – 100% ($328,000) o Senior Nutrition, State – 10% ($40,000) o LIHEAP/Wx, Federal – 100% ($322,500) o DOE/Wx, Federal – Up to 100% ($242,000)

9 CAB Activities for 2011 Maintain the Board as a dynamic, diverse and responsive entity: ◦Clearly articulated mission and roles ◦Desired outcomes of Community Action programs ◦Bylaws for effective operation of the Board ◦Measure success (metrics) ◦Reporting results ◦Public education about programs & services Recommendations on 2011 program activities and funding: ◦Recommendations to Board of Commissioners (related to funding for Weatherization, food, emergency assistance, TEFAP, Foster Grandparents, CSBG, senior nutrition, etc.) ◦Awareness and advocacy on federal and state funding risks

10 CAB 2011 Agenda and Longer Term Strategy Discussion & Direction for 2011 agenda and forward May Overview of Current ETCS/ Community Action Programs July Overview of Consolidated Department Programs September Mission & Programs Determine committees to work on mission, outcomes & metrics, etc. January and Beyond Proposed Ad Hoc Committees: Joe Dulin Community Day Awareness and advocacy on federal and state funding risks Overview of Human Service Programs & Activities serving Washtenaw County November

11 Washtenaw County Community Action Board 2011 Agenda & Program Direction Discussion & Direction

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