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Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Wed 11:00-12:00 Session 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Wed 11:00-12:00 Session 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Wed 11:00-12:00 e-mail: Session 1

2  Coursebook: Javornik Čubrić, M., English for Tax Administration Study, Društveno veleučilište u Zagrebu, 2009. + additional materials  presentations available at

3 1. 8 Mar 2016 – Introduction to the Course 2. 15 Mar 2016 – Money and Personal Finance 3. 22 Mar 2016 – Banking and Investments 4. 29 Mar 2016 – General Tax Law 5. 5 Apr 2016 – Principles of Taxation 6. 19 Apr 2016 – Revision 7. 26 Apr 2016 – Taxes in Croatia 8. 3 May 2016 – Value Added Tax 9. 10 May 2016 – Personal Income Tax 10. 17 May 2016 – Final revision End-of-term test 11. 24 May 2016 – End-of-term test 12. 31 May 2016 – Signatures and Tutorials

4  Oral examination (preceded by a written qualifying test)  Attendance optional but recommended  Regular attendants can take the exam early

5  Mastering relevant vocabulary  Being able to talk about the topics covered by the curriculum, using relevant terms  The extra material covered in class will help you understand the content and prepare for the exam  The exam will test the knowledge of the content presented in the coursebook and presentations

6 presentations presentations on topics related to the curriculum duration: 15-20 minutes 2 students prepare each presentation as a joint project minimum 3 sources must be consulted (e.g. one main and two additional)

7  Before giving the presentation, students MUST: ◦ consult the lecturer about the topic ◦ consult the lecturer about the sources ◦ show the entire PP presentation, as well as the outline and notes at least one week before giving the presentation ◦ consult the lecturer about the pronunciation of difficult words

8  REWARD for participating in a successful presentation: ◦ you can SKIP the oral examination  HOWEVER... ◦ you still have to take the written test ◦ you MUST attend the classes

9  Some suggested areas: ◦ banking ◦ Ministry of Finance ◦ Tax Administration ◦ court system ◦ etc.


11  Think of things you can do with money!

12  You can... lend borrow earn inherit run out of owe save raise pay refund... money

13  You can... lend – posuditi nekomu borrow – posuditi od nekoga earn – zaraditi inherit – naslijediti run out of – potrošiti sav novac owe – dugovati save – (u)štedjeti raise – prikupiti (od donacija) pay – platiti, dati novce za nešto refund – vratiti plaćen novac... money

14 1. We’re organising a concert to.......... money for charity. 2. I.......... a lot of money for that car. It cost me over £20,000. 3. If you’re unhappy with the product, just bring it back and we’ll.......... your money. 4. Could you.......... me £5? I’m flat broke. - You already owe me £10, so.......... it from somebody else. 5. When her father dies, she’s going to.......... a lot of money. 6. Building has stopped because the construction company has.......... out of money. 7. What’s your salary? How much money do you.......... ? 8. I try to.......... some money each week. I usually manage about £20.

15 1. We’re organising a concert to RAISE money for charity. 2. I PAID a lot of money for that car. It cost me over £20,000. 3. If you’re unhappy with the product, just bring it back and we’ll REFUND your money. 4. Could you LEND me £5? I’m flat broke. - You already owe me £10, so BORROW it from somebody else. 5. When her father dies, she’s going to INHERIT a lot of money. 6. Building has stopped because the construction company has RUN out of money. 7. What’s your salary? How much money do you EARN? 8. I try to SAVE some money each week. I usually manage about £20.


17  Dates and years 23.3.1984 23 Mar 1984 Mar 23 1984 1904 2000  Amounts £29.99 40p $15.25 $0.99  Decimals and percentages 75 % 0.5 % 95.75 4.125  Big numbers 7,250 150,256 1,000,000 (1m) 3m

18  Dates and years 23.3.1984, 23 Mar 1984, etc. the twenty-third (of) March nineteen eighty-four Mar 23 1984 March the twenty-third nineteen eighty-four 1904 2000 nineteen oh four (year) two thousand  Prices £29.99twenty-nine pounds ninety- nine (pence) 40pforty pence, forty p /pi:/ $15.25fifteen dollars twenty-five (cents) $0.99ninety-nine cents  Decimals and percentages 75 %seventy-five percent 0.5 %nought/zero point five percent 95.75ninety-five point seven five 4.125four point one two five  Big numbers 7,250seven thousand two hundred and fifty 150,256 one hundred and fifty thousand two hundred and fifty six 1,000,000 (1m) one million 3mthree million always singular!!! NOTE: percent, hundred, thousand, million – always singular!!!

19 Thank you for your attention!

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