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The World of the Hebrews Mrs. Emerson. Characteristics of the Hebrews Occupied the Fertile Crescent Due to their geographic location, cultural diffusion.

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Presentation on theme: "The World of the Hebrews Mrs. Emerson. Characteristics of the Hebrews Occupied the Fertile Crescent Due to their geographic location, cultural diffusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World of the Hebrews Mrs. Emerson

2 Characteristics of the Hebrews Occupied the Fertile Crescent Due to their geographic location, cultural diffusion occurred as a result Recorded all their events and laws in the Torah The Torah is their sacred text


4 The Kingdom of Israel David is the 1 st King –Known as shrewd, brave, and strong –United feuding Hebrew tribes into one nation Solomon-David’s son –Built Jerusalem into a massive capital –Tried to increase Israel’s influence with Egypt and Mesopotamia

5 Tower Of David

6 Solomon’s Temple

7 Main Beliefs “CHOSEN PEOPLE” Believe that God chose the Jewish people for receiving the Torah and spreading the message of the Torah “Messiah” Believe that the Messiah will be a human being~~A descendent from King David who will bring peace to the world

8 Rites of Passage  Circumcision  Bar Mitzvah & Bat Mitzvah  Chanukah  Marriage  Death

9 Jewish Beliefs Monotheistic At this point, few religious leaders believed in one god Ten Commandments- Basis of the Jewish religion The Torah is their sacred book

10 Basic Beliefs Continued… Judaism is GOD’S 1 st Revelation! They refer to their God as Yahweh Prayer (3 times/day) Tzedakah (Charity) Kashrut (Dietary Laws & Kosher Food) Shabbat (The Sabbath)

11 More on the Jewish Faith Prophets preached a strong code of moral standards of behavior (Both personal morality and social justice) Jewish people believed their leaders were complete humans so they were bound to obey God’s laws The Jewish faith is one of the world’s major religions

12 Inside a Synagogue in Portugal

13 Division & Conquest

14 Nomadic People Famine forced the Hebrews to migrate to Egypt Upon their arrival the Hebrews were enslaved Moses led the Hebrews on exodus from Egypt Entered Palestine after 40 years of wandering Believed that God has intended them to live on that land

15 Diaspora Almost 2,000 years ago Jews were forced to leave their homeland in Palestine Diaspora (scattering) forced Jews into exile causing them to settle throughout the world


17 Contemporary Jerusalem

18 What does this mean to me? New York State’s exports to Israel were over $2 Billion! Israel is ranked as #4 of New York’s top trading partners New York’s Jewish population is over 1 million and 8.7% of the total Jewish population

19 Check for Understanding During this time period, why are the Hebrews different than other civilizations? Who were the kings of Israel and why did they fail as rulers? What happened to the Hebrews because of their declined empire?

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