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SymbolQuick HistoryBeliefs about God Important people Holy Book Jesus was the Son of God to save the world ~ died on cross and rose to heaven One God ~

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Presentation on theme: "SymbolQuick HistoryBeliefs about God Important people Holy Book Jesus was the Son of God to save the world ~ died on cross and rose to heaven One God ~"— Presentation transcript:

1 SymbolQuick HistoryBeliefs about God Important people Holy Book Jesus was the Son of God to save the world ~ died on cross and rose to heaven One God ~ “God” Trinity = 3 in 1 (father, son, holy spirit) God Abraham Moses Jesus Pastors, ministers Bible Holy DaysHoly PlacesImportant Traditions Major DivisionsFollowers called Easter Christmas Sunday (Wed night) Lent Church Jerusalem Bethlehem Israel Canaan Baptism Communion (Lord’s Supper) Prayers Roman Catholic Orthodox Protestants CHRISTIANS

2 SymbolQuick HistoryBeliefs about GodImportant peopleHoly Book God made agreement with Abraham that Jews were God’s chosen people for faith and obedience One God = Yahweh First monotheistic religion Abraham = “father” Jesus = prophet Rabbi = “preacher” leader of prayers, readings, sermons Moses ~ led people out of Egypt Torah Holy DaysHoly PlacesImportant Traditions Major DivisionsFollowers called Friday evening to Saturday evening = Sabbath = day of rest and prayer Synagogue (church) Israel = promised land Fasting = not eating Bar mitzvah ~ boys become adults Yom Kippur Hanukah Kosher ~ pure eating Orthodox Conservative Reformed Jews

3 SymbolQuick HistoryBeliefs about God Important people Holy Book Islam based on teachings of Muhammad~ vision from Angel One God ~ “Allah” Muhammad Allah Caliph Imam ~worship leader of a mosque and the Muslim community Koran Quran Holy DaysHoly PlacesImportant Traditions Major DivisionsFollowers called Friday ~ go to mosque Mosque Mecca Five Pillars Declare faith Pray 5 times a day Charity Fast Pilgrimage to Mecca Sunni Shia Muslim

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