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John Macdonald, Kevin McCoy, Ryan McGarvey, William Plunkett, Robert Weigman FEARSOME. FEARLESS. FRIGHTENING. ASSYRIA.

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Presentation on theme: "John Macdonald, Kevin McCoy, Ryan McGarvey, William Plunkett, Robert Weigman FEARSOME. FEARLESS. FRIGHTENING. ASSYRIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Macdonald, Kevin McCoy, Ryan McGarvey, William Plunkett, Robert Weigman FEARSOME. FEARLESS. FRIGHTENING. ASSYRIA.

2 Esarhaddon Became king of Assyria in 681 B.C after his notorious father, Sennacherib, was assassinated after besieging Jerusalem The first great kind after many poor ones Vassals tried to invade, Esarhaddon’s Assyria conquered and added 2 Vassal provinces

3 More on Esarhaddonon Created a peace treaty with Elam in Iran Peace treaty is a huge deal because the Muslim, Elam is long time rivals to the Christian, Assyria who is surrounded by other Muslim fundamentalist countries Conquered Egypt, another very successful Muslim state After many years of failing health, Esarhaddon died in 669 B.C on his way to the Nile, in Egypt

4 4750 B.C. 1 st temple of Ashur built 2371 B.C. - Sargon of Akkad creates 1 st Assyrian kingdom 1307 B.C. Adad-nariri starts 1 st Assyrian empire

5 1115 B.C. - Tiglath- Pilseser creates 2 nd Assyrian empire 934 B.C. – Period of Neo-Assyrian empire begins; PEAK POWER 752 B.C. - Aramaic becomes official language of Assyria

6 612 B.C. - Neo-Assyrian Empire collapses 609 B.C. - Ashur-uballit is crowned new king of Assyria in Harran 609 B.C. - Chaldean defeats Egypt, Assyria soon falls

7 350 B.C. - Assyrians try to reestablish kingdom, Persia squashes efforts 256 A. D. Assyrian Church of East established 0 A.D. 600 A.D. - Period of the Assyrian Religious Empire begins

8 “I slew one of every two. I built a wall before the great gates of the city; I flayed the chief man of the rebels, and I covered the walls with their skins. Some of them were enclosed within the wall; some of them were crucified with stakes along the wall; I caused a great multitude of them to be flayed in my presence and I covered the wall with their skins.” –An Assyrian King (Cottrell 89)

9 Conquest above all 1 story houses Sculptures and carvings important Mostly small villages centered around farming Economy mostly farming and treasure from war Ruled by a king who only answers to his court Class system

10 King Ruling family, *millitary commanders, officials Men of trades Pesants and slaves


12 If city resists capture: – Citizens butchered; leaders tortured, skinned alive, impaled on stakes – City looted and burned To avoid nationalist revolts, large groups deported Iron swords, lances, metal armor, battering rams Largest ever army in Middle East/ Mediterranean

13 Polythesitic Assur = main god Conquered people do not have to follow religion King is the high priest and representative of Assur Interpreted events of nature as signs from the gods

14 Apsu and Tiamat have Assur and Kishar Apsu wants to kill children because they’re too loud Ea kills Apsu because of this Tiamat avenges Apsu, starts war She loses, cut in half Half her body holds up sky, eyes become source of Tigris and Euphrates



17 Short and Long Term Impacts -They had military taxation and uniform calendar which some countries have today -Were the first civilization and empire -Were roots on which civilizations built on and had a powerful art culture

18 Works Cited Betbasso, Peter. Brief History of the Assyrians. 16 February 2009. 20 September 2010. —. Timeline of Assyrian History. 19 October 2003. 20 September 2010. Carr, Karen. Assyrians. 10 May 2010. 20 September 2010. Cottrell, Leonard. Land of the two Rivers. Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1962. Highlights from the Collection: Assyria. 7 February 2007. 20 September 2010. Hooker, Richard. The Assyrians. 1996. 18 September 2010. Kjeilen, Tore. Assyria. 21 September 2010. Letters, queries, and reports. 16 September 2010. 2010 September 2010. Radner, Karen. Esarhaddon, king of Assyria (681-669). 2010. 20 September 2010. Siren, Christopher. The Assyro-Babylonian Mythology FAQ. October 2003. 21 September 2010. THE ASSYRIAN EMPIRE. 17 May 2006..

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