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What is sexual reproduction in plants?

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Presentation on theme: "What is sexual reproduction in plants?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is sexual reproduction in plants?
POLLINATION / FERTILIZATION – Reproduction that requires two parent plants (ex. Flowering plants / Seeds)

2 What is asexual reproduction in plants?
Reproduction involving only one parent plant – PRODUCES OFFSPRING IDENTICAL TO THE PARENT ! A plant can sometimes sprout new growth from its stems, roots, or leaves (NOT SEEDS) when cells split!

3 Plants: Reproduction What are ways plants reproduce asexually?
TUBERS and BULBS Types of underground stems. Potatoes “eyes” can grow into roots and shoots to produce a new plant. Onions are big Bulbs that split to make new bulbs from the stem/onion. Bulbs Split Bulbs Split

4 Plants: Reproduction What are ways plants reproduce asexually? RUNNERS
Stems that run along the ground. Strawberries, ivy, Bermuda grass grow from the tips of runners. Runners create new plant Runners create new plant

5 Plants: Reproduction What are ways plants reproduce asexually?
STEM CUTTINGS Stem is cut and planted. Roots may form from the cutting, and then a full plant develops. Cutting from old plants are put into new soil Cutting from old plants

6 Plants: Reproduction What are ways plants reproduce asexually? ROOTS
Fruit trees and bushes send up “suckers” or new shoots from the roots and produce new plants from root pieces. New Plant forms from roots New Plant forms from roots

7 Asexual Reproduction NO SEEDS NEEDED! New Plant forms from roots
Cutting from old plants are put into new soil Bulbs Split Runners create new plant NO SEEDS NEEDED!

8 Asexual Reproduction NO SEEDS NEEDED! Bulbs Split
Cutting from old plants New Plant forms from roots Runners create new plant

9 Asexual Reproduction No Seeds! CELLS DIVIDE *******
Plants can produce roots from cuttings that are placed in water Bulbs Split Asexually New potato plants grow from stems Plants can send out runners that grow into new plants

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