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Carbon Cycle Notes 6.1. I. What is Carbon?  An element  The basis of life on Earth  Present in rocks, oceans and the atmosphere II. Carbon Cycle 

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon Cycle Notes 6.1. I. What is Carbon?  An element  The basis of life on Earth  Present in rocks, oceans and the atmosphere II. Carbon Cycle "— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon Cycle Notes 6.1

2 I. What is Carbon?  An element  The basis of life on Earth  Present in rocks, oceans and the atmosphere II. Carbon Cycle  The continuous process by which carbon is exchanged between organisms and the environment.


4 III. Plants Use CO 2  Plants pull carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from the atmosphere and use it to make sugars. (photosynthesis)  Plants use some of the sugars (structure/respiration) IV. Animals Eat Plants  When organisms eat plants, they take in carbon  They use it as food to provide them with energy  Some of it becomes part of their own bodies.

5 V.Decomposition of Plants & Animals  When plants and animals die, most of their bodies decompose and carbon atoms return to the atmosphere  Some don’t decompose fully and end up in deposits underground as fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas)

6 VI.Carbon Stored in the Ground  Carbon is stored in fossils and/or fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas)  In nature, carbon found in rocks and underground deposits is released VERY slowly back into the atmosphere.

7 VII. Carbon in Oceans  Carbon is stored in the ocean as CO 2  Carbon is found in the form of calcium carbonate in the shells of aquatic species.  When animals die, carbon substances are deposited at the bottom of oceans.  Oceans contain Earth’s largest reservoir of carbon!


9 VIII. Human Impact  The release of carbon from fossil fuels is very slow in nature.  Humans DRASTICALLY speed up this process by burning fossil fuels.  Heating up the oceans reduces their ability to store carbon.  Fewer plants means less CO 2 removed from atmosphere.


11 IX. Videos  

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