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Is the prohibition of drugs working? Overview : the war on drugs / Peter Katel ; The U.S. fight against illegal drugs is working / Office of National Drug.

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Presentation on theme: "Is the prohibition of drugs working? Overview : the war on drugs / Peter Katel ; The U.S. fight against illegal drugs is working / Office of National Drug."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is the prohibition of drugs working? Overview : the war on drugs / Peter Katel ; The U.S. fight against illegal drugs is working / Office of National Drug Control Policy ; The international ban on illicit drugs should continue The international ban on illicit drugs should continue; Restrictive drug policies are working and must continue The use of marijuana



4 Trying to stop other drugs Robert L. DuPont ; The war on drugs is not working / Radley Balko ; The global war on drugs cannot be won / Ethan Nadelmann ; The war on drugs leads to violence / John McWhorter -- Should U.S. drug policy be reformed? Overview : U.S. federal drug policy / Celinda Franco ;



7 Drugs lead to violence Robert L. DuPont ; The war on drugs is not working / Radley Balko ; The global war on drugs cannot be won / Ethan Nadelmann ; The war on drugs leads to violence / John McWhorter -- Should U.S. drug policy be reformed? Overview : U.S. federal drug policy / Celinda Franco ; The United States should repeal federal drug prohibition.



10 Marijuana possession David Boaz and Timothy Lynch ; U.S. drug law enforcement is racially unjust / Human Rights Watch Marijuana possession and use should be decriminalized / Steven B. Duke ; Marijuana is less harmful than a Marijuana and prohibition.

11 Why burn it when you can sale it


13 Marijuana is too dangerous to be legal -- Marijuana is too dangerous to be legal -- The dangers of marijuana are exaggerated -- Enforcement of marijuana laws is uneven, ineffective, and wasteful -- Marijuana laws must be strictly enforced -- Relaxing marijuana laws would be good for society








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