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Medical Marijuana Good or Bad? By: Joe and Dan. Medical Marijuana Our theme is Medical Marijuana; is it good bad? We’re just showing how it should be.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Marijuana Good or Bad? By: Joe and Dan. Medical Marijuana Our theme is Medical Marijuana; is it good bad? We’re just showing how it should be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Marijuana Good or Bad? By: Joe and Dan

2 Medical Marijuana Our theme is Medical Marijuana; is it good bad? We’re just showing how it should be used, for Medical uses only, not to get high.

3 Romeo and Juliet It relates to Romeo and Juliet of how Friar tried making Juliet to drink the potion/poison. The Apothecary sold Romeo drugs.

4 Are question is Medical Marijuana good or bad. So we are wondering if medical weed is a good thing. Because in Romeo and Joliet there is a lot of different drugs used for medicine so we are wondering if weed can be used.

5 Research Slide Colorado will no longer have laws that steer people toward using alcohol, and adults will be free to use marijuana instead if that is what they prefer. And we will be better off as a society because of it," said Mason Tvert, co-director of the Colorado pro-legalization campaign. The Drug Policy Alliance, a national advocacy group that backed the initiatives, said the outcome in Washington and Colorado reflected growing national support for liberalized pot laws, citing a Gallup poll last year that found 50 percent of Americans favored making it legal, versus 46 opposed.

6 Research Slide Colorado and Washington became the first U.S. states to legalize the possession and sale of marijuana for recreational use on Tuesday in defiance of federal law, setting the stage for a possible showdown with the Obama administration. But another ballot measure to remove criminal penalties for personal possession and cultivation of recreational cannabis was defeated in Oregon, where significantly less money and campaign organization was devoted to the cause. Supporters of a Colorado constitutional amendment legalizing marijuana were the first to declare victory, and opponents conceded defeat, after returns showed the measure garnering nearly 53 percent of the vote versus 47 percent against.

7 Research Slide Legalize pot? The nation has flirted with the idea before: Jimmy Carter supported decriminalization in his 1976 campaign, but the idea died after his chief drug adviser was reported to have used cocaine at a Washington, D.C., party. Almost four decades later, though, a pot renaissance is sweeping parts of the USA: Seventeen states and the nation's capital now allow the use of medical marijuana with a doctor's order, which in some places is ludicrously easy to get. Thirteen states have decriminalized pot, which generally means that the punishment for first-time possession of small amounts is a fine with no jail time.

8 Research Slide Doctors have split over whether marijuana causes lung cancer the way smoking cigarettes does, though evidence seems to be accumulating that it could. A recent study at the University of Southern California found a link between recreational pot use and testicular cancer in men from their teens to the mid- 30s. Advocates of legalization make some good points, particularly about the waste of law enforcement resources in enforcing marijuana laws, and the way the illegal market enriches criminal gangs and drug cartels.

9 Romeo and Juliet I think that Medical marijauna kind of takes place in Romeo and Juliet because when friar tries to use a plan to use poison/potion to "kill" Juliet

10 Romeo and Juliet Drugs are also in Romeo and Juliet Marquchio was taking drugs at the Capulet party.

11 American Teens new survey shows that marijuana use among teens continues to rise–and outstrips cigarette use–thanks to the increasing perception that pot is not harmful

12 American Teens A rising share of teens are smoking marijuana–a trend fueled largely by the growing perception among youths that pot use is not harmful, according to a national survey released Wednesday. Taken together with the decision by voters in Colorado and Washington State to legalize recreational pot–as well as the continued expansion of medical marijuana–the survey points to the increasing difficulty of keeping American teens away from marijuana. Indeed, a higher percentage of high school seniors are smoking marijuana monthly than cigarettes.

13 Conclusion Marijuana is it a good thing or a bad thing? We think it is a good thing because It is not harmful and it is better then cigarettes.

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