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Weather Process Parent Advisory November 19, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Process Parent Advisory November 19, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Process Parent Advisory November 19, 2013

2 Weather Types Tornado Snow/Ice

3 Tornado Watch Vs. Warning Watch-Conditions are such a tornado May develop Teachers should continue classroom activities If at dismissal schools should use normal procedures

4 Warning Tornado has been formed and sighted Take protective action Go to shelter locations and assume position of safety. Suggest sitting on bottoms with knees tucked to the chest If warning occurs at the end of the school day students will not be placed on buses.

5 Warning If at the end of the school day ask parents/bus drivers or others to come into the building We do not want to release students until the warning has been removed


7 Snow/Ice Conditions….. If the event allows us to make a call the evening before we will do so before the 10pm newscast. If not- then we will evaluate conditions and make the recommendation as noted in the manual by 5AM

8 Close or Delay…. The recommendation will be to:  Proceed on normal schedule  2 hour delay  Close  Close with an optional teachers work day  All Principals, Assistant Superintendents will receive an e-mail from the Assistant Superintendent of Operations upon the final decision.

9 Communication of the Announcement Assistant Superintendent-Operations upon communicating with the Superintendent will contact Theo Helm. Theo will call media and send out the alert now message to the home.

10 2 Hour Delay For staff- the expectation is to arrive as a normal day. If staff is allowed to come in later, the work day as noted is still expected to be fulfilled.

11 Dismissals During the School Day HS we may dismiss drivers early. After School Activities including tutorials and school events will be announced and communicated to all Principals.

12 This Year.. We don’t have to make up the first two snow days!!!

13  Questions?

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