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Mrs. Finan’s Kindergarten. Kindergarten has changed dramatically over the past few years. It is no longer the kindergarten that you or I remember. Whether.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Finan’s Kindergarten. Kindergarten has changed dramatically over the past few years. It is no longer the kindergarten that you or I remember. Whether."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Finan’s Kindergarten

2 Kindergarten has changed dramatically over the past few years. It is no longer the kindergarten that you or I remember. Whether you agree or disagree, the expectations and Common Core State Standards for a child in kindergarten are high. I am a strong believer in learning through play! It has been my experience that students respond in a more positive way if they see the task as a fun game to play or an exciting adventure. It is my goal is to create a positive foundation to your child’s school career. Along with you, I am their biggest cheerleader and fan! Your children become my children! I will treat them as I would my own daughters.

3 ttendance is very important! If your child misses school, please remember to write a note or have a doctor’s note regarding their absence. Most of our Kindergarten experiences are group oriented and involve interaction with classmates and hands-on materials. Therefore, it is next to impossible to make up work at home! is for backpacks. Please send your child with his/her backpack each day and check it after school each day! Make sure it is large enough to hold their folder, heavy coat, library books, and lunch box. Sometimes toys from home tend to sneak in the students’ backpacks. Please remind your child that toys/stuffed animals should remain at home.

4 is for communication and conferences. Throughout the year, I will communicate with you through monthly calendars, weekly newsletters, emails, and parent teacher conferences. Kinders will not receive a 1 st quarter progress report. However, I will conference with each of you to go over your child’s first report card. This will be in early November. Feel free to send me an email, call me at school, or send a note to school in your child’s folder if you have concerns or questions. is for our Discipline Procedures. You received my class rules and behavior management system in the open house packet. Every day your child will receive a stamp/sticker on their folder’s behavior chart. If they received a number, please discuss following that rule.

5 is for Early Release Days. School dismisses at 11:00 for students on these days. Typically if your child will be going directly home, I suggest you just send their snack because our normal lunch time isn’t until 12:35. If your child attends after school care, then they can eat an earlier lunch these days. is for field trips! We usually take at least two field trips per year. (Fall & Spring) Information for those trips will be sent home closer to time for the trip! is for gym class! We will have gym class every other day. Children should wear sneakers for gym class.

6 is for homework! In a few weeks, your child will be bringing home a ‘Baggie Book’. This is a book that is on their reading level. Also, look for homework in the sheet protector of your child’s take-home folder. This will get them in the habit of doing homework when they are in first grade. Be NVOLVED in your child's learning ! is for joining our PTO! Throughout the school year, there will be a variety of special classroom activities, celebrations, and PTO meetings. We also have several fundraisers to help support our school. I encourage you to attend all functions and become involved!

7 is for keeping up with your child’s take-home folder! It is our primary means of communications. The folder will be our way of making sure things get to and from school. Anything you need me to see, including money, should be in the folder. These are checked each morning! There will also be a monthly behavior chart in the folder that you will need to sign each night. is for library books! We will visit our media center twice a month to check out one book. Please keep your child’s library book in the plastic bag provided and return it in the bag on these days so they can check out a new one.

8 is for money! On many occasions it will be necessary for your child to bring money to school. Always send it in a sealed envelope with the following information on it: name, amount, purpose, and teacher’s name. is for Nurse! Mrs. Marino is our school nurse. She is at our school 2 days a week and at Brawley Middle the other 3 days. If your student requires medication to be taken at school, please make sure that you fill out the necessary forms in the office. Our nurse handles all medication. Also, if your child has any allergies or health concerns, please let us know. is for office check-ins and check-outs! Please make sure to go to our office when you need to check-in or check-out your student.

9 is for PARTY or as we call them ‘Curriculum Celebrations’. The room mom will send out information a few weeks before the celebration to ask for parent volunteers. Birthdays are also special occasions for young children. To be consistent, please do not send in birthday treats or goodies. I will purchase a special ice cream or popsicle for your child during lunch. They will also receive a birthday crown, sticker, and a prize from the teachers. is for questions! Please let us know if you have any questions! We are here to make school the best experience possible!

10 is for recess! We will be going outside everyday unless it is raining or extremely cold. If your child is too sick to play outside, they are too sick to attend school. Please make sure your child is properly dressed for the weather! is for snacks! I ask that each child bring a snack each day. Please provide a separate container to transport their snack to and from school. This should be a healthy snack that is quickly eaten such as a pack of crackers, cookies, fruit, veggies, Goldfish crackers, applesauce or pudding cups, etc… is for tying shoes! Unfortunately, this is a very necessary skill that is no longer taught in school. Please work on this with your child at home. Once they become proficient at tying shoes, they will become one of my "Tying Teachers" and assist in teaching other students with learning to tie shoes.

11 Each child is UNIQUE and special. They enter my classroom with different skills, personalities, experiences, backgrounds, and learning styles. It is my aspiration to foster their individual strengths and help each child develop to his/her fullest potential, academically and socially. My goal is to teach them to fall in love with learning ! is for volunteers and visitors! We love having volunteers in our school! If you are unable to volunteer on a regular basis, please let me know if you’d like to come in as a guest reader or helper on an occasional basis. All volunteers and visitors must check in at the office to receive a visitor’s pass. is for Water! Please have your child bring in a (leak-free) water bottle to keep in their cubbie. My kiddos are encouraged to get a drink at any time during the day. Hydration helps the brain and the body!

12 is for having eXtra clothes! If your child tends to have accidents, please keep extra clothes in their backpack. is for YOU! Always remember you are a teacher too! There is no one who is more influential in your child’s life than you! is for ZzZzZz...please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night. Setting and keeping a bedtime helps children to be alert and ready to learn each day!

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