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CoSMIC: An MDA Tool Suite for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems Tao Lu, Aniruddha Gokhale, Emre Turkay, Balachandran Natarajan, Jeff Parsons,

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Presentation on theme: "CoSMIC: An MDA Tool Suite for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems Tao Lu, Aniruddha Gokhale, Emre Turkay, Balachandran Natarajan, Jeff Parsons,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CoSMIC: An MDA Tool Suite for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems Tao Lu, Aniruddha Gokhale, Emre Turkay, Balachandran Natarajan, Jeff Parsons, K. Balasubramaniam, Boris Kolpakov, Arvind Krishna, J. Balasubramaniam {lu, gokhale, turkaye, bala, parsons, kitty, boris, arvindk,jaiganesh} ISIS, Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37203 Work supported by AFRL contract# F33615-03-C-4112 for DARPA PCES Program

2 Gokhale, Lu et alCoSMIC TAO Workshop July 2003 2 Research Synopsis Develop, validate, & help to standardize technologies that: (1) Model (2) Analyze (3) Synthesize & (4) Provision multiple layers of middleware for distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems that require simultaneous control of multiple quality of service properties end-to-end Model Driven Approach for Distributed Real-time & Embedded Middleware Middleware Services DRE Applications Operating Sys & Protocols Hardware & Networks distributed system

3 Gokhale, Lu et alCoSMIC TAO Workshop July 2003 3 Configuring Middleware End-to-End Status: Options Configuration Modeling Language (OCML) developed in GME Used by TAO developers to model TAO ORB configuration options and option constraints Validate user-provided option descriptor file Next Steps: Develop modeling paradigm to express QoS requirements Interactive tool to synthesize options descriptor file based on application QoS requirements Benchmarking on Emulab testbed Tools to generate html documentation of options SOLUTION

4 Gokhale, Lu et alCoSMIC TAO Workshop July 2003 4 Component Assembly & Deployment Status: Component & Assembly Descriptor Modeling Language (CADML) developed in GME Used to model & synthesize CAD files for Boldstroke product scenarios in CIAO Next Steps: Pre-Assembly effort Import the CCD files to construct the assembly building library Construction of IDL/CIDL file Capture and Analyze application QoS requirements and determine effective configuration. SOLUTION

5 Gokhale, Lu et alCoSMIC TAO Workshop July 2003 5 Applying MDA: Looking Forward Serve users from different areas differently Partial QoS requirement specification/evaluation. DEMO

6 Gokhale, Lu et alCoSMIC TAO Workshop July 2003 6 Downloading the Middleware & Tools Beta and Stable release can be accessed from

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