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The VCCS Administrative & Professional Faculty Development, Evaluation, and Recognition System Task Force Report March, 2016.

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1 The VCCS Administrative & Professional Faculty Development, Evaluation, and Recognition System Task Force Report March, 2016



4  Executive Summary  Policy (also available in Policy Manual, Section 3.6.1)  Model Plan with associated forms  Guidelines (for local plan development)  Source Guide for Formative Feedback Instrumentation (an Appendix to the Model Plan)  Transition Plan (in two parts)  Informational video (new)

5 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Overall Summary Rating:  Meets Expectations  Does Not Meet Expectations

6 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Prescribed Evaluation Cycles:  Calendar-Year Cycle for professional faculty who are eligible for a multi-year appointment.  Fiscal-Year Cycle for all other professional faculty and for all administrative faculty.

7 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Three Major Components:  Performance Evaluation  Annual Objectives  Reward and Recognition

8 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Frequency of Evaluation:  First-year faculty (including faculty in the first year of a new position): interim evaluation within first 6 months of employment; two evaluations within the first 12 months of employment.  Second-year and third-year faculty: evaluated annually  Professional faculty working under a multi-year appointment: comprehensive evaluation at the end of the last full calendar year included in the multi-year appointment (optional)  Administrative faculty and Professional faculty not working under a multi-year appointment: evaluated annually

9 Mid-Year Progress Review  Regardless of the nature of the appointment, faculty should meet with their supervisor twice annually, at mid-year and year-end, for a performance review and to discuss the progress toward achievement of annual objectives. VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS

10 Prescribed Performance Domains:  Core Job Responsibilities (i.e. position description)  Non-routine and/or Strategic Responsibilities and Activities  College, Community, and Professional Service  Professional Growth and Development  Management Effectiveness (required of faculty with supervisory responsibilities)

11 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Formative Feedback:  The college’s evaluation process must provide for solicitation and analysis of formative performance feedback from a sampling of faculty and staff supervised by the faculty member, peers, individuals to whom the faculty member provides a service, and individuals with whom the faculty member has professional interactions  Input must be gathered at least once every three years.

12 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Annual Objectives:  Established in consultation with the supervisor at the beginning of the applicable evaluation cycle.  Objectives represent an extension of expectations associated with performance domains.  Objectives should be related to the strategic goals of the organizational unit, the college, or the VCCS; to the professional growth and development of the faculty member; or to improvement in specific areas of the faculty member’s job performance.  Assessment of achievement of annual objectives is a required component of the comprehensive evaluation.

13 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Reward and Recognition:  Faculty who have demonstrated exemplary performance and whose contributions have had a major positive impact on the organizational unit, the college, or the VCCS must be acknowledged.  The college’s evaluation plan must include formal provisions for recognizing and rewarding performance that exceeds expectations.

14 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: TIMELINE FOR DEVELOPMENT/ADOPTION OF COLLEGE PLANS  New policy effective date: July 1, 2016  Professional faculty with multi-year eligibility – six-month evaluation under new policy/plan to be completed in December, 2016; transition to calendar-year cycle beginning January 1, 2017  All other professional faculty and all administrative faculty – transition to new policy/plan July 1, 2016  Options:  Adopt Model Plan for 2016-17; revise as needed for 2017-18  Implement Model Plan for 2016-17; revise as needed during first year of implementation  Revise existing college plan to comply with new policy

15 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: COMMUNICATION & TRAINING  Informational Video  Resources on Web site  System-wide webinar (late March/early April)  Face-to-face training (late April/early May)

16 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: THE “FORMATIVE FEEDBACK” CHALLENGE  solicitation and analysis of formative performance feedback from colleagues to be gathered at least once every three years  Source guide in Model Plan  Investigation of potential for enterprise solution

17 VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: FURTHER INFORMATION Questions and Comments: Email the VCCS Task Force at:

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