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Paper 3 Review Agenda: Questions:  Why should I study for the IB History Exam?  What is on the “Paper 3” Exam?  What questions should I prepare for?

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Presentation on theme: "Paper 3 Review Agenda: Questions:  Why should I study for the IB History Exam?  What is on the “Paper 3” Exam?  What questions should I prepare for?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Paper 3 Review Agenda: Questions:  Why should I study for the IB History Exam?  What is on the “Paper 3” Exam?  What questions should I prepare for?  How should I prepare? Where can I find resources? Announcement: Make sure to sign in on the attendance sheet. If you would like one-on-one tutoring or someone to review your prepared outlines, please come see me after school any day this week in Room 117. (I’m always here until at least 5:00 o’clock.) You can also email me at

2 Why should I study…?  You need to average a 4 on all of your IB tests to receive the IB diploma.  The IB diploma is a big deal – it can mean scholarships, additional college credit, and a greater shot at acceptance to universities, especially if you are on the “waitlist.”  The IB history exam is one of the hardest. You need to study if you want to do well.  Your teachers and your school are evaluated on the basis of these exams!

3 What’s on the “Paper 3” Exam?  The Paper 3 exam consists of 36 questions. You only need to choose 3.  The questions will discuss everything from Columbus through the 1980s. You will want to focus on questions related to: The Great Depression, World War II, The Cold War in Latin America (Cuba / Guatemala)  You will have 2.5 hours. That means you have about 50 minutes per question to write.  However, the format is almost exactly the same as our unit exams were!

4 Which questions should I prepare for? All of the questions you should prepare for revolve around: 1.What were the causes of and the responses to the Great Depression? (Units 1 & 2)  In the US (Hoover vs. FDR & the New Deal)?  In Latin America (Vargas, Estado Novo, and ISI) 2.What were the causes of WWII for the US and what was the outcome of US involvement? (Unit 3)  Long-term Causes (Imperialism, Versailles, Nationalism, Great Depression)  Short-term Causes (Invasion of Poland, Battle of Britain, Pearl Harbor)  Outcome of US involvement: Total War, victory in Europe & Pacific, dropping of atomic bomb, start of Cold War

5 Which questions should I prepare for? All of the questions you should prepare for revolve around: 3.What were the leadership decisions made during the Cold War? (Unit 5 & 6)  Truman vs. Eisenhower  Domestic Policies (Fair Deal, Taft-Hartley, New Republicanism, Little Rock, Interstate Highway Act)  Foreign Policies (Containment, Truman Doctrine, New Look, Cold War “Crises”) 4.How did the Cold War affect Latin America? (Guatemala & Cuba)? (Units 5 & 6)  Guatemala & Operation PBSUCCESS (Jacobo Arbenz, Decree 900/Land Reform, United Fruit Company, Operation PBSUCCESS)  Origins of the Cuban Revolution (US imperialism, Batista, Fidel Castro, 26 th July Movement)  Cuba & the Cold War: Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis

6 How should I prepare?  Craft (4) essay outlines that answer the four big questions above!  You don’t need to include everything! Just review the ideas related to those questions that you don’t remember. Make sure you are familiar and can explain the concepts.  Use your notecards and vocabulary from last year.  Also, any resource is useable – Wikipedia, textbooks, the Internet, so long as it helps these ideas make sense. You don’t need to cite anything!  Mr. May also has a bunch of resources on the GW website. Google: “Mr. May George Washington High School” and it comes right up.

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