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Welcome to The Early Years Foundation Stage at Thatcham Park.

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1 Welcome to The Early Years Foundation Stage at Thatcham Park

2 Thatcham Park C of E School  Our school has just over 400 children and around 50 members of staff working here.  We have three Key Stages:  Foundation- F1 classes (3-4 year olds), F2 (4-5 year olds)  Key Stage One – Year 1 (5-6 year olds), Year 2 (6-7 year olds)  Key Stage Two –Year 3 (7-8), Year 4 (8-9), Year 5 (9-10), Year 6 (10-11)  We are a Church of England school and we reflect that in our vision and values for our school.  Our head teacher is Mrs Webster, Mrs Campion is our deputy head. Mrs Blofeld is our Inclusion Manager, Sabina Ricardo Batty and Mrs Goode our family support worker

3 All we did today was play!  ‘Play’ in early years is fundamental to your child's learning and is valued highly  Through play children explore and develop learning experiences that help them make sense of the world  They practise and build up ideas and skills, take risks, make mistakes and adapt their thinking  Think creatively and imaginatively  Learn about the need for rules  They communicate with others by explaining their thoughts, asking, negotiating and for enjoyment.

4 Areas of learning and development  Through play and adult directed activities your children are continuously learning  There are seven areas of learning and development  All are important and inter-connected  We continually assess your child through low key observation and plan for their next steps in learning by either challenging, consolidating key skills or teaching a new skill they find hard.  Each child’s progress is defined by the early learning goals which we work to achieve by the end of the year

5 Prime Areas and Specific Areas of Learning and Development Prime Areas  Communication and language  Physical development  Personal, social and emotional development Specific Areas  Literacy (English)  Mathematics (Numeracy)  Understanding of the World  Expressive arts and design

6 Characteristics of Learning and the Aspects of Learning and Development Characteristics of learning Playing and exploring- engagement Finding out and exploring Playing with and what they know Being willing to ‘have a go’ Active learning-motivation Being involved and concentrating Continuing to try Enjoying achieving what they have set out to do Creating and thinking critically – thinking Having their own ideas Making links Choosing ways to do things Areas of Learning and Development Aspect Prime Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Making relationships, Self-confidence and self awareness, Managing feeling and behaviour Physical Development Moving and handling Health and self-care Communication and language Listening and attention Understanding Speaking Specific Areas Literacy Reading Writing Mathematics Numbers Shape, space and measure Understanding of the world People and communities The world Technology Expressive Arts and Design Exploring and using media and materials Being imaginative

7 Our Foundation stage  Your children are placed in two ‘home’ teaching groups. Purple and Orange Group. We spend a short time each day together in our home bases.  Orange Group teacher will be Mrs Judge  Purple Group teachers will be Mrs Dargan  We have two Nursery Nurses - Mrs Williams and Mrs Wilding  We have four TA’s who also work with us Miss Bremner, Mrs Jones, Mrs Brown and Mrs Holloway

8 A Typical Day  8.40Doors open Self registration and Independent learning (adults settling and supporting children) Group time on carpet- welcoming the children and explaining the time table for that morning Read Write Inc- small groups led by adults where the children learn sounds and letters Independent learning, inside and outside- (adult works alongside children, observations or small group learning) Group time- whole class or groups of 15 - adult directed teaching/Maths /Rev Pat collective worship  11.45Lunch  1.00 Group time - whole class or groups of 15 - adult directed teaching Independent learning inside or outside (fresh air afternoon) Maths fun time/review of learning Story  3.10 Home time

9 How can you help your child  PSED- Playing games and taking turns, having friends over to play  PD- Get active, going to the park, riding a bike, playdough, drawing, using cutlery  CL-Talking to your child.  Literacy- reading to them and talking about the book, using pure sounds to sound out words, looking for letters in the environment, practising name writing  Maths – counting everything, talking about the shape of objects and their size, looking for numbers in the environment  UW- talking about everything you see! Bugs to houses, festivals you celebrate and those that others might celebrate, using technology from the simple to more challenging- hand whisk, TV’s, screwdriver, DVDs, remote controls, Music players, ipads, computers, play stations to the Wii  EAD- making pictures, models, dancing, singing and playing make believe games!

10 Parents as Partners  Come and talk to us (good or bad)  Share the wow moments that you see (especially technology)  Parents evening and end of school report  Trips and helping out in class  Family events at school  PTA

11 The really important stuff!  Sensible school shoes - no laces, trainers or canvas shoes please!  Coats everyday to school please, we go out in all weather  Wellies to be left in school  Hats and gloves (sun hats in the summer)  Water bottles in every day  We provide a healthy snack of fruit daily  Children under 5 have free milk  Lunch is free and can be ordered on-line (but we will still check at school)- extra drinks can be sent in for lunchtime  Book bags (reading books are changed twice a week) Children do read everyday in Read Write Inc, so reading books are for them to practise at home  No PE kits as we are physical everyday, ‘Steps ahead’ comes in once a week to do dance  Please keep us up to date with mobile and telephone numbers. Please let us know if someone else is picking your child! ( Even if it is a relative, we don’t know if you want them to go with that person unless you tell us)

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