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Determining the Main Idea What’s It All About?. What Is a Main Idea? A main idea is the message, opinion, or idea that is the focus of a piece of writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Determining the Main Idea What’s It All About?. What Is a Main Idea? A main idea is the message, opinion, or idea that is the focus of a piece of writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Determining the Main Idea What’s It All About?

2 What Is a Main Idea? A main idea is the message, opinion, or idea that is the focus of a piece of writing. The main idea can be stated or implied. © 2003 What’s the main idea?

3 Stated Main Ideas A stated main idea is a sentence or two, usually found near the beginning or end of the selection. Springtime is a wonderful time in northern Minnesota. The ice gradually pulls back from the shores of the lakes and ponds, eventually disappearing altogether. Snow melts, and shockingly green grass takes its place. As the trees bud and wildflowers begin to poke through the soil, you know that winter is finally at an end.

4 Implied Main Ideas An implied main idea isn’t stated directly. You must make an educated guess about a selection’s implied main idea based on important supporting details. Main Idea Important detail Important detail Important detail Important detail

5 How to Discover Implied Main Ideas Step 1:Read the selection carefully. Step 2:Look for direct statements made by the writer. Step 3: Look closely at the details (who, what, when, where, how, and why) that the writer gives. Step 4: Think about what the details add up to. Step 5: Try to put the main idea into your own words.

6 Let’s Practice The fan had broken two weeks ago, right as the heat wave set in. We’ve never owned an air conditioner, since they’re so rarely needed this far north. All the windows were open, but no breeze was coming through. Sweat was making me sticky. My legs and arms stuck to the vinyl couch, my hair stuck to my forehead, my clothes stuck to my body, and my fingers stuck to the magazine I was reading. After a week of these awful temperatures, I was dreaming of the wonderfully cool autumn that was soon to come.

7 Important Detail Let’s Practice Autumn soon to come Dreaming Windows open, but no breeze Main Idea Wonderfully cool autumn Sweat making narrator sticky Broken fan, heat wave, no AC Awful temperatures On a hot summer day, the narrator is feeling uncomfortable and is looking forward to cooler weather.

8 On Your Own I don’t have much work to do around the house like some girls. My mother does that. And I don’t have to earn my pocket money by hustling; George runs errands for the big boys and sells Christmas cards. And anything else that’s got to get done, my father does. All I have to do in life is mind my brother Raymond, which is enough. Sometimes I slip and say my little brother Raymond. But as any fool can see he’s much bigger and he’s older too. But a lot of people call him my little brother cause he needs looking after cause he’s not quite right. from “Raymond’s Run” by Toni Cade Bambara “Raymond’s Run” from Gorilla, My Love by Toni Cade Bambara. Copyright © 1971, 1972 by Toni Cade Bambara. Reproduced by permission of Random House, Inc.

9 The End

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