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“Thanatopsis” Big Question: What can death teach us about life? Here's a picture of a kitten to lighten the mood:

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Presentation on theme: "“Thanatopsis” Big Question: What can death teach us about life? Here's a picture of a kitten to lighten the mood:"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Thanatopsis” Big Question: What can death teach us about life? Here's a picture of a kitten to lighten the mood:

2 “Thanatopsis” Big Question: What can death teach us about life? And here are some pictures of my dogs:

3 “Thanatopsis” Big Question: What can death teach us about life? And here is another picture of my dog:

4 "Thanatopsis" Read the background of William Cullen Bryant on p. 336. Write down 3 things that strike you as important to know about him.

5 Context: William Cullen Bryant William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878) "author of America" = gave literature an American voice most inspired by the natural world advocate for human rights and the protection of the environment celebrated for his power to portray the wild American landscape

6 Context: "Thanatopsis" "Thanatopsis" = combined the Greek words thanatos and opsis. Thanatos = "death" Opsis = "a vision" Thanatopsis = a way of looking at death William Cullen Bryant was 18 when he wrote it.

7 Context: Blank Verse Blank Verse = unrhymed poetry written in iambic pentameter Iambic Pentameter = metric pattern where each line has five iambic feet Foot = metric pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables Iamb = unstressed + stressed Example: To him who in the love of Nature holds Communion with her visible forms, she speaks | ˘ ˊ | ˘ ˊ | | ˘ ˊ | ˘ ˊ | ˘ ˘ ˊ | ˘ ˊ |

8 Context: Enjambment Enjambment = when one line ends without a pause and continues into the next line for its meaning helps the rhythm imitate natural speech Example: To him who in the love of Nature holds Communion with her visible forms, she speaks

9 Before Reading... Create the following chart: SectionIdeasMood 1 st (1-30) 2 nd (31-72) 3 rd (73-81)

10 Unfamiliar Words Gayer (3)—happier Eloquence (5)—vivid or moving expression Musings (6)—thoughts Blight (9)—something that frustrates hope (a negative) Shudder (13)—a convulsive shiver Swain (28)—farmer Patriarchs (34)—father-figures, ancestors Pensive (39)—thoughtful Melancholy (43)—gloomy, sad Unheeded (59)—not listened to, ignored Plod (63)—trudge, move heavily Mirth (65)—happiness

11 Unfamiliar Words Innumerable (74)—can’t be counted Unfaltering (79)—steady, unfailing, unquestioning

12 "Thanatopsis" Open your textbooks to pages 338-339. Follow along with me as I read.

13 Complete the chart. SectionIdeasMood 1 st (1-30) 2 nd (31-72) 3 rd (73-81) When you feel sad about death, listen to nature to feel better. She will help you realize that you will return to the earth when you die. Bleak, melancholy When you die, you will not be alone. Nature will decorate your tomb. Reassuring Live your life to the fullest, so that dying will not seem so dreadful. Inspirational

14 Analysis: "Thanatopsis" 1.Reread lines 1-8. Identify the lines where enjambment is used. How does their use affect the flow of the lines? 2.What is the central idea of the poem's first section, lines 1-30? 3.What is the mood of the first section? 4.Identify the mood in lines 31-45. How does it contrast with the mood of the first section? 5.What is the central idea of the second section?

15 Analysis: "Thanatopsis" 6. Reread the last section of the poem, lines 73- 81. How would you summarize these lines? 7. What is the central idea and mood of the last section?

16 Exit Ticket Write the lines below: Made strong by life and love and firm in will To crawl, to walk, to run, and not to pause. Place accents on the stressed syllables and identify the metric pattern of these lines. Is enjambment used? Describe Bryant's views on death and if they are similar or different to your views.

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