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WELCOME BACK-TO-SCHOOL Please sign in at the back table.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME BACK-TO-SCHOOL Please sign in at the back table."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME BACK-TO-SCHOOL Please sign in at the back table

2 Welcome! Back to School Night 2015

3 Room #19

4 WHAT TO EXPECT IN THIRD GRADE…. SCHOOL CLIMATE - PBIS 1. Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Safe

5 Classroom Expectations This year we will be focusing on building important life skills such as working hard and participating. I’ll be using ClassDojo to give students feedback on these skills :)

6 Why use ClassDojo? ClassDojo is the easiest way to see your child’s progress on these skills. I’ll be sending classroom updates and photos with you through ClassDojo, too!

7 Follow the directions in the handout :) Download the app Sign up as a parentEnter your code!

8 Home/School Communication Check ClassDojo regularly. Keep me updated on how your child is doing at home. Encourage the life skills we are working on in class outside of school. Celebrate wonderful classroom moments at home :) Let me know how I can be most helpful!

9 Students use points to purchase supplies or prizes #/launchpad

10 P.B.I.S. S STAR STUDENTS P.B.I.S. S STAR STUDENTS Celebration by grade level every quarter 80% or better in Class Dojo Classwork & Homework

11 WHAT TO EXPECT IN THIRD GRADE… Common Core  Thinking Deeply  Integrated Learning  Evidence to Support the Answer

12 Performance Tasks Demonstration Demonstration Notes NotesParagraphStepsPresentations

13 21 st Century Learning Skill One of 30 classes in district chosen Each student will have a Chromebook to use in class Chromebooks will be used to enhance and augment instruction NOT replace it Will allow for more individualization Gradual process through out the year


15 Insert fact practice & sample wb page) *.


17 Accelerated Reading * This year students are responsible for having an AR book either from the classroom or the library. * They will be responsible for taking an AR test once they have finished their book. * They can take an AR test during recess, workshop time, when they have finished their class work.

18 ACCELERATED READING They need to earn: 4 points a week for a trophy (135 points) 3-4 points a week for small trophy (100) 3 points a week for a gold medal (85 points) 2 points a week for a silver medal (65 pts.) 1 point a week for a bronze medal (45 pts.)

19 Weekly Report Weekly Report Sent home on Monday Graded work attached Sign and return report on Tuesday

20 WHAT TO EXPECT IN THIRD GRADE… Proficiency Report (attached to report cards each quarter)

21 Third Grade Proficiency Report

22 * This is a report that you will receive with every progress report or report card. * This report will inform you of how your child is performing compared to the District proficiency guidelines. * It will highlight your student’s strengths and indicate areas where they might need extra help. Third Grade Proficiency Report

23 Conference week will be OCTOBER 19 - 23 Please be sure to sign up tonight for your date & time PARENT / TEACHER CONFERENCES

24 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ! Volunteers who wish to work in the classroom or go on field trips need to fill out an application in the office every school year. You will need to have a current TB and fingerprint live scan. Volunteers can help at home too! Grade papers, help prepare games, etc. Send in supplies for special projects

25 Thank you for coming! I look forward to working with you to make this a successful school year. If you have any specific questions about your child, please send in a note or we can discuss it at conference time. ?? QUESTIONS ??


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