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UN ECE ICP Effects on Materials Including Historic and Cultural Monuments Trend exposure 2014-15 Kateřina Kreislová, SVUOM s.r.o., Prague.

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Presentation on theme: "UN ECE ICP Effects on Materials Including Historic and Cultural Monuments Trend exposure 2014-15 Kateřina Kreislová, SVUOM s.r.o., Prague."— Presentation transcript:

1 UN ECE ICP Effects on Materials Including Historic and Cultural Monuments Trend exposure 2014-15 Kateřina Kreislová, SVUOM s.r.o., Prague

2 Trend exposure -atmospheric test site Prague – 2014-10-05 -atmospheric test site Kopisty – 2014-10-03

3 Carbon steel

4 0 1000 800 600 400 200 mass loss (g.m -2. a -1 ) mass loss (µm.a -1 ) 127 102 76 51 26 Trend of SO 2 concentration decreasing and yearly carbon steel corrosion loss at test site Kopisty(1977-2012)

5 Trend of long-term corrosion loss of carbon steel at test site Kopisty SO 2 koncentrace ~ 100 µg.m -3 SO 2 koncentrace ~ 15 µg.m -3

6 -new material – stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304) -10 urban/industrial test sites Test site 1 Prague, CZ 3 Kopisty, CZ 10 Bottrop, DE 13 Rome, IT 14 Cassacia, IT 23 Birkenes, NO 41 Berlin, DE 44 Svanvik, NO 50 Katowice, PL 51 Athens, GR Katowice, Poland

7 Increasing trend of application - 40% chemical and energy industry - 20% food industry - 10% household equipments - 25% architecture, civil engineering - 5% automotive industry

8 - 30 – 80 ties of 20 century - sheets – roofs, cladding, decorative elements - now – structure – fixing elements - combinatoion with glass


10 -SVÚOM internal project -10 years exposure – yearly corrosion loss 2013/14 test site corrosion loss (g.m -2 )(µm) Praha0,87430,11 Kopisty1,71580,22

11 Mandatory SamplingClimateGasesPrecipitationParticles PeriodTempRHSO2NO2O3HNO3AmountH+Cl-IVL passive sampler Site no Year Month C degrees frequency availability (%) % frequency availability (%) mg/m 3 frequency availability (%) mg/m 3 frequency availability (%) mg/m 3 frequency availability (%) mg/m 3 frequency availability (%) mm frequency availability (%) pH frequency availability (%) mgCl/l frequency availability (%) Reported by IVL-Tri monthly avarages. frequency availability (%) 0120141011,4D10088D1007,52M10037,0M10012,7D100 65,2M1005,10M1007,40M100 2014117,0D10090D1007,82M10037,7M1007,7D100 18,5M1005,70M1004,80M100 2014123,1D10083D1007,82M10044,9M10020,6D100 28,8M1006,50M1001,20M100 201511,8D10083D1002,72M10040,7M10025,0D100 25,8M1006,46M10011,70M100 201520,5D10078D1002,72M10030,7M10023,0D100 3,4M1005,60M10021,40M100 201536,2D10070D100 2M10028,4M10038,4D100 28,5M1005,90M1001,20M100 20154 D100D 2M100 M D M M M 20155 D100D 2M100 M D M M M 20156 D100D 2M100 M D M M M 20157 D100D 2M100 M D M M M 20158 D100D 2M100 M D M M M 20159 D100D 2M100 M D M M M 201510 D100D 2M100 M D M M M 201511 D100 D 2M100 M D M M M Environmental data measuring - Prague

12 Optional PrecipitationParticles ConductivitySO42-NO3-NH4+Na+Ca2+Mg2+K+conc. PM10 mS/cm frequency availability (%) mgS/l frequency availability (%) mgN/l frequency availability (%) mgN/l frequency availability (%) mgNa/l frequency availability (%) mgCa/l frequency availability (%) mgMg/l frequency availability (%) mgK/l frequency availability (%) mg/m 3 frequency availability (%) 16M1008,40M1007,00M100 25,1D100 36M1007,70M1002,30M100 25,6D100 45M1003,50M10012,70M100 18,4D100 64M100 M 5,10M100 15,0D100 136M100 M M 30,9D100 52M100 M M 27,4D100 M M M D M M M D M M M D M M M D M M M D M M M D M M M D M M M D

13 Mandatory SamplingClimateGasesPrecipitationParticles PeriodTempRHSO2NO2O3HNO3AmountH+Cl-IVL passive sampler Site no Year Month C degrees frequency availability (%) % frequency availability (%) mg/m 3 frequency availability (%) mg/m 3 frequency availability (%) mg/m 3 frequency availability (%) mg/m 3 frequency availability (%) mm frequency availability (%) pH frequency availability (%) mgCl/l frequency availability (%) Reported by IVL-Tri monthly avarages. frequency availability (%) 0120141021,0D10085D10021,0M10030,9M10020,1D100 38,6M1005,20M1007,80M100 20141110,7D10086D10010,7M10054,0M10054,0D100 17,3M100nM04,90M100 20141210,3D10079D10010,3M10051,7M10027,2D100 27,5M1004,30M1001,20M100 201519,5D10078D1009,5M10020,1M10035,1D100 41,2M1004,65M1002,10M100 2015212,0D10074D10012,0M10025,1M10034,9D100 4,8M1003,96M10033,90M100 201538,5D10069D1008,5M10019,0M10043,8D100 49,0M1003,67M1001,40M100 20154 D100D M M D M M M 20155 D100D M M D M M M 20156 D100D M M D M M M 20157 D100D M M D M M M 20158 D100D M M D M M M 20159 D100D M M D M M M 201510 D100D M M D M M M 201511 D100 D M M D M M M Environmental data measuring - Kopisty

14 Optional PrecipitationParticles ConductivitySO42-NO3-NH4+Na+Ca2+Mg2+K+conc. PM10 mS/cm frequency availability (%) mgS/l frequency availability (%) mgN/l frequency availability (%) mgN/l frequency availability (%) mgNa/l frequency availability (%) mgCa/l frequency availability (%) mgMg/l frequency availability (%) mgK/l frequency availability (%) mg/m 3 frequency availability (%) 17M1007,20M1006,20M100 36,0D100 nM013,40M1001,10M100 36,0D100 35M10015,00M10012,70M100 25,5D100 84M100M M 21,0D100 399M100M M 39,3D100 154M100M M 35,4D100 M M M D M M M D M M M D M M M D M M M D M M M D M M M D M M M D

15 Co-operation with National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan - Round Robin Test ACM sensors at atmospheric test sites Prague and Kopisty - exposure ACM sensors – monthly - exposure of reference flat sample of carbon steel - monthly - mesuring of environmental data


17 rain

18 11-201312-201301-201402-2014 03-201404-201405-201406-2014 07-201408-201409-201410-2014 ---- temperature (°C) ---- relative humitidy (%) ---- corrosion current (μA)

19 Atmospheric test site Kopisty - poor fitting of monthly values of corrosion of flat carbon steel samples to corroison current measured by AMC sensors

20 10/201204/201310/2013 Atmospheric test site Prague – aluminium - start of exposure 10/2011

21 Atmospheric test site Prague – aluminium - 10/2014

22 10/201204/2013 Atmospheric test site Kopisty – aluminium – start of exposure 10/2011 03/2014

23 Atmospheric test site Kopisty – aluminium - 10/2014

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