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1 Innovation and creativity Sept. 2013. 2 Innovation objectives Driving force for adaptation and sustainable innovation. Internationally outstanding within.

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1 1 Innovation and creativity Sept. 2013

2 2 Innovation objectives Driving force for adaptation and sustainable innovation. Internationally outstanding within research-based innovation and collaboration with the private and public sectors. Participation throughout NTNU's academic breadth. Well-functioning internal system for innovation. INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Sept. 2013

3 3 NTNU – Innovation and Creativity R&D  new knowledge TEACHING  expertise Shares knowledge, expertise and R&D results. Contributes to improving the business community and society at large. Education for academic and professional purposes.Training. Developing new technology. International cooperation. INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY DISSEMINATION  innovation Sept. 2013

4 4 Innovation and business development Investors University BusinessesEntrepreneurs Innovation and change require interaction between: Investors, who finance new projects. Entrepreneurs, who generate ideas. Business and industry, as the owner and customer. Universiteties, with an active role in developing new business activities. INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Sept. 2013

5 5 Innovation – I Several courses related to entrepreneurship Centre for Entrepreneurship Gløshaugen Innovation Centre (16 companies in-house) NTNU Technology Transfer Office AS –Help and support for people with business ideas –Search for business ideas among academic groups Start NTNU – a student-run organization for innovation NTNU Discovery finances R&D results with commercial potential Cooperation agreements with industry Events (Venture Cup, Technoport Awards, Innovator, and more) INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Sept. 2013

6 6 Innovation – II NTNU 2nd globally as the university with most interaction with industry in the category «Natural Science and engineering» (UIRC April 2013). Results 2012 104 business ideas 34 patents registered 11 licence contracts 12 spin-off companies formed INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Sept. 2013

7 7 Commercialization of technology NTNU Technology Transfer AS helps transform new knowledge into new commercial opportunities. INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Sept. 2013 Results 2004–2012 Since the start in 2004 the company has registered 898 ideas from students and academic personell at NTNU. 362 patent applications. A total of 99 ideas commercialized.

8 8 Regional activity NTNU wants to be a vital contributor to innovation and business development in the region. “Partners for Innovation”: NTNU, Sintef, SpareBank 1 SMN og NTE. The partners are promotors for the interaction between business and research in the region. Annual meeting of regional business leaders and prominent scientists from NTNU and SINTEF Sept. 2013 INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY

9 9 Gløshaugen Innovation Center NÆRINGSLIV OG NYSKAPING Norway’s first on-campus incubator for innovation in business and industry Incubator for companies from NTNU and Sintef 16 companies (2013) INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Sept. 2013

10 10 Wholly owned subsidiary of NTNU. Creates business activities from research at NTNU and Central Norway Regional Health Authority (including St. Olav’s Hospital). Establishes spin-off companies and licenses new technology. Win-win cooperation among scientists, companies and investors. NTNU Technology Transfer AS INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Sept. 2013

11 11 NTNU and industry – I Approx. 650 major research projects in cooperation with industry, the public sector and various funds. EUR 28.5 mill. to NTNU from industry and organizations in 2012. Many of NTNU’s ca. 200 adjunct professors (20 % positions) are connected to industry. Extensive offers in continuing and professional development, such as the annual industrial seminars at NTNU each January. INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Sept. 2013

12 12 NTNU and industry – II Student trainee placements and project work in industry conveyed through International placement projects through IAESTE and EC programmes. Formal agreements among NTNU’s faculties, businesses and industry to stimulate cooperation. INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Sept. 2013

13 13 NTNU and Sintef vital R&D institutions for Norwegian industry Norwegian companies rank NTNU and Sintef on top as providers of R&D. An impressive 96 % rank NTNU or Sintef as their main R&D partner. From an investigation by Federation of Norwegian Industries among 380 member companies. Sept. 2013 INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY

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