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Presentation on theme: "Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group

2 Group Part Chapter 4 Group and Team Chapter 5 Communication
4.1 Foundation of Group Behavior 4.2 Creating Effective Teams Chapter 5 Communication 5.1 Significant of Communication 5.2 Improving Communication Skill Chapter 6 Leadership 5.1 What is leadership? 5.2 How to improve leadership? Chapter 7 Power & Conflict (Self-study)

3 4.1 Foundation of Group Behavior
What is group? (P218/) Group decision making

4 1. What is group? (P218/) Group Why do people join group? Formal group
Informal group Why do people join group? Groups made up of five or seven members do a pretty good job of exercising the best elements of both small and large groups. P235

5 Stages of group development (P219\)
Adjourning Performing Norming Storming Forming 前阶段 阶段2 震荡 阶段3 规范化 阶段4 执行 5阶段 解体 阶段1 形成

6 Group Behavior Model (P224)
External conditions imposed on the group Group member resources Group structure Performance and satisfaction Group processes Group Task

7 Evaluating group effectiveness (P246)
Effectiveness criteria Type pf group Interacting P244/ Brain strorming Nominal P245\ ElectronicP245\

8 4.2 Creating Effective Teams
What is work team? (P258/) Comparing work groups and work team Creating effective teams

9 A team effective model P264
Work design Autonomy Skill variety Task identity Task significance Composition Ability Personality Roles and diversity Size Flexibility Preference for teamwork Team effectiveness Context Adequate resources Leadership Performance evaluation and rewards Process Common purpose Specific goals Team efficacy Conflict Social loafing

10 Key roles on teams P266 Read P268
Translate “Teams Benefit Both Employees and the Organization” P275

11 Effective Communication

12 5.1 Significant of Communication
Three 70%

13 Functions of Communication

14 Communication (P284)

15 Communication Process: Nine Elements
Message 1 Decoding Noise Feedback Channel Encoding Sender receiver Purpose Background 2

16 Types of Communication Channel
Formal Channels Are established by the organization and transmit messages that are related to the professional activities of members. Informal Channels Used to transmit personal or social messages in the organization. These informal channels are spontaneous and emerge as a response to individual choices.

17 Three Common Formal Small-Group Networks
E X H I B I T 10–3

18 Grapevine Patterns A F B D J H C E K G I X
Probability—each randomly tells others Y D C B A Single strand—each tells one other A C D F J I B Cluster—some tell selected others; most typical A J B D H I K F G E C Gossip—one tells all These graphics depict different types of informal communication channels often called the “Grapevine”. These channels do not follow the chain of command or organizational structure. Organizational moles – those who use the grapevine to enhance their power and status.

19 Grapevine: Positives and Negatives
Benefits Problems

20 Showing emotion in email:
ORZ Emoticons/ Smiley :) <g> :( ;( :-[ :-e :-() :-D :’( {}

21 Effectiveness of Communication

22 5.2 How to improve effective communication
Factors influencing Communication Effective communication

23 Men talk to: Women talk to:

24 2. Effective communication

25 Keys to Effective Listening

26 Leadership 6.1 What is leadership? 6.2 How to improve leadership?

27 6.1 What is leadership? Leadership Theories
Compare Leaders and managers Two Factors Leadership

28 Leadership Theory Contigency Theory Behavioral Theory Trait Theory

29 Trait Theory Traditional /Modern Trait Theory Self-confidence
cognitive ability /Intelligence business or task-relevant knowledge Desire to lead Honesty/integrity Drive

30 Behavior Theory The University of Michigan Studies:
Production-Centered and Employee-Centered Behavior The Ohio State University Leadership Studies: Initiating Structure (task-oriented dimension ) and Consideration (people-oriented dimension) Leadership Life Cycle Model Management Grid

31 6.2 How to improve leadership?

32 Organization Part Organization Design & Culture

33 Organization Level Human resource Productivity policies and Work
Practices HRM政策与实践 Organizational Culture 组织文化 Work Stress 工作压力 Organization structure and design 组织结构与设计 Productivity Absence Turnover Satisfaction

34 Thank you !

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