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Education Welfare Your future starts here! Attendance matters.

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Presentation on theme: "Education Welfare Your future starts here! Attendance matters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education Welfare Your future starts here! Attendance matters.

2 School – College - Job College Aspirations Money Attendance Achievement

3 Colleges in our Area

4 What do you want to do when you leave school? Do you want to go to college? Have you a career in mind? How will you achieve your career? Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

5 The more you learn the more you earn

6 Look at your Registration Certificate AttendanceExcellentGoodFairPoor PunctualityExcellentGoodFairPoor If you were a college or employer would you take this pupil on and why? College will also ask the school for information on your predicted grades and what sort of person you are i.e., reliable, hard working and behaviour. 90% attendance or 17 missed school days means that you could drop a whole GCSE grade. The school will fill out a report on your attendance and punctuality for your college application. Using your registration certificate please fill in the following as if you are the school.

7 Attendance & Attainment

8 Year 11 Support Available Particular Subjects Course Work Revision Careers Advice College courses – applying for a place College Tour

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