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Why team based working?. Individual Activity Why team based working in your service area / the areas you support? List the potential benefits that will.

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Presentation on theme: "Why team based working?. Individual Activity Why team based working in your service area / the areas you support? List the potential benefits that will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why team based working?

2 Individual Activity Why team based working in your service area / the areas you support? List the potential benefits that will be achieved in your service area through improved team working. Group Activity

3 In my team: Score 1 = low 5 = high 1. we have a strong team identity – we know what the team is there to achieve and we know who is in the team 2. we are all clear about and committed to our team’s objectives 3. we all understand our own role and how this fits with others within the team and with those working in other relevant teams 4. we are all involved in decision making about the work of the team and how it is carried out 5. we meet regularly and there is effective communication between all team members 6. we have regular constructive debate about how best to do our work and about how to improve our outcomes 7. we work well with other teams within the organisation and within partner organisations Quick team effectiveness audit Individual Activity

4 Operating principles: Remember a time when you worked in a successful team – one that you enjoyed being part of and that achieved its goals. What made this team so successful? Think about processes and behaviours. Write one feature on each post-it. 29 Small Group Activity Aston Organisation Development Ltd 2014

5 Small Group Activity 1.Discuss in your small groups which one of you wishes to develop your Team Community Map. 2.Discuss with the group where you work and outline the following: All the different teams that you come into contact with on a regular basis. Any other teams that your team will need to work with in the future. Any external teams or organisations that influence the formation of team targets and those that influence the team’s ability to achieve its goals. 3.In the middle of a sheet of paper: Draw a circle that represents your home team. Around your home team, draw in any teams that you work with ie., if the team works with another team very closely, then show them as very close or overlapping with the team, ie., relevant distance around your home team. Indicate the relative importance of each team or individual relationship by varying the size of the circles representing each team. Community Map

6 Develop plans to improve the influence of the team in relevant areas Small Group Activity Using your Community Map and the attached Team Influence Audit, identify which areas you need to be able to increase influence if you are to succeed in achieving your team objectives. Identify your top 5 priority areas and using the attached ‘building team influence’ questions, develop a plan in order to extend and increase influence in these areas, using the action sheet attached.

7 Building Team Influence With which individuals / groups does the team need to influence more effectively? What about? Concerns / interests of the individual group? How could this team help? Negative impact if this team is not heard? Plans to increase / improve these? Who will become more influential? Opportunities for influencing? When you have an agreed team map lead a discussion to identify those individuals and groups within the organisation that the team need to be able to influence more effectively. The following questions may support the discussion: Small Group Activity

8 Write a headline about how effective team working in your area has contributed to the organisation successfully achieving its strategic goals. Rules: Less than 10 words Dated one year from today. Say which professional journal or other relevant publication this headline appears in. You must feel proud to see this headline. Small Group Activity

9 Engagement and Well-Being

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