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Benguela Current Commission Experience by Hashali Hamukuaya Executive Secretary The 3 rd African Regional Targeted Workshop for GEF IW Projects Grahamstown,

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Presentation on theme: "Benguela Current Commission Experience by Hashali Hamukuaya Executive Secretary The 3 rd African Regional Targeted Workshop for GEF IW Projects Grahamstown,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Benguela Current Commission Experience by Hashali Hamukuaya Executive Secretary The 3 rd African Regional Targeted Workshop for GEF IW Projects Grahamstown, South Africa Rhodes University 7- 9 May 2014

2 The Benguela Region Before 1994 Legacy of colonial past; apartheid South Africa; liberation struggles; civil war in Angola; Overexploitation of fish stocks (foreign vessels); No regional cooperation among the countries and within marine sectors; Lack of transparency and/or stakeholder consultations within marine sectors.

3 New Era: South-South Cooperation With the support of UNDP, the three countries prepared a PIF for integrated management of the BCLME TDA and SAP: 1997-2000 BCLME Programme: 2002-2008 UNDP – Implementing Agency GEF: US$ 15,000,000.00 In-kind: US$ 18,000,000.00 GOAL: Integrated management, sustainable use and protection of the BCLME

4 1.Decline in BCLME commercial fish stocks and over harvesting of living resources; 2.Highly variable marine environment and uncertainty regarding ecosystem status; 3.Deterioration in water quality; 4.Habitat destruction and alteration; 5.Loss of biotic integrity and threat to biodiversity; and 6.Inadequate capacity (human resources, knowledge and skills, financial, technological). Regional development challenges and major environmental problems

5 From Sectorial Approach to Multi-sectorial Ecosystem-based Management: A Paradigm Shift Fisheries Environment Petroleum Transport Fisheries and Marine Resources Environment and Tourism Mines and Energy Works and Transport Water and Environmental Affairs Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minerals Transport

6 Agreed Governance Principles Sustainable development Anticipatory action Transparency and public participation Partnerships and co-financing with industry and donors

7 Fish Resources and Fisheries Sustainable management and use of LMRs Annual swept-area surveys of shared fish stocks State-of-art stock assessments Stock assessment working groups Assessments of climate variability on the resources Provision of best available scientific advice

8 Pollution & Ecosy Health Maintenance of ecosystem health and protection of biodiversity Accession to the Abidjan Conv under consideration In collaboration with IMO, oil spills contingency plans; OSRA and sensitivity mapping in place / undertaken Spatial biodiversity assessment (e.g below) HABs monitoring programmes Marine spatial planning & EBSA (Germany: 2014-2020)

9 Productivity Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Programme Real-time environ monitoring stations

10 Socio-economics Socio-economic surveys and review of institutional arrangements Enhance climate change resilience in the BC fisheries (FAO/GEF:2015-2020)

11 Governance Instruments: SAP (2000) Interim Agreement (2007) BCC Convention signed (2013) HR, Finance, Procurement, Data and Information, TCB SAP (2015-2019) Convention development process: Strong political will; Ownership Spirit of cooperation; Flexibility in negotiation Catalytic support from GEF and other development partners Drawing from best practices and modern instruments Available competence from all countries drove the process Ministerial Conferece Mianagement Board / Commission Commission EACEAC SecretariatSecretariat

12 Key challenges Competition for domestic resources (e.g. HIV, floods, droughts); Highly dynamic marine environment compounded with climate variability; Conflicts among sectors (e.g. tuna vs oil; fish vs mining) Growing demands for food security and jobs creation; and Adequate resources to sustain the south-south cooperation.

13 Opportunities: -- Sustained trust among the Member States; -- Strong political will and leadership for south- south collaboration; -- Strong support from development partners (led by the UNDP/GEF, Norway); -- Available domestic resources to support multi- sectoral ocean governance and sustainable development (e.g Members support Secretariat operations and Personnel) -- Realizing the inclusive and sustainable development in the BCLME region through the BCC Convention Implementation (UNDP/GEF: 2016- 2020) -- Willingness by private sector to be involved (BCC Business Leardership Forum)

14 In closing: The success in institutional, legal and policy reforms made possible by catalytic support from GEF and other partners A foundation for science to governance in place However, a framework for sustainability beyond GEF’s intervention remains a challenge. Suggestions would be appreciated in this regards.

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