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CHURCHES TOGETHER IN CUMBRIA AND THE FUTURE. Role of the County Ecumenical Officer Role of the County Ecumenical Officer We should appoint a new ‘Ecumenical.

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Presentation on theme: "CHURCHES TOGETHER IN CUMBRIA AND THE FUTURE. Role of the County Ecumenical Officer Role of the County Ecumenical Officer We should appoint a new ‘Ecumenical."— Presentation transcript:


2 Role of the County Ecumenical Officer Role of the County Ecumenical Officer We should appoint a new ‘Ecumenical Development Officer’. This should be a half-time post (20 hours per week). The Job Description will be different from that of the previous CEO. Qualities required will include: Being a team player. Computer literacy. Administrative competence.

3 Denominational Ecumenical Officers Denominational Ecumenical Officers The team should include an officer from each of the main denominations if possible. In future DEO’s should be responsible for sorting out local ecumenical constitutions and reviews. Church Leaders should be asked to specify their expectations of their DEO’s. The DEO group (chaired by the CEDO) should be responsible for appointing a Vice- President of Churches Together in Cumbria. DEO’S to choose two of their members to serve on Executive.

4 CTiC Council CTiC Council As it currently exists it is not effective for conducting business. The Constitution needs re-writing. Its charitable status needs to be resolved. It should meet once p.a. for a major celebration for encouragement – with worship, food, sharing, stories, etc. This should be renamed ‘CTiC Forum’. Attendance at Forum – needs further discussion, but much wider than at present. The name ‘Council’ should be transferred to the Executive Group.

5  CTiC Executive  CTiC Executive Current membership is specified by the CTiC constitution, which will need amending. Future membership should be: President Vice-President Treasurer CEDO and SRO Convenor of Social Responsibility Forum 2 Denominational EO’s A Church Leader (who may be the President or Vice-President) With an additional co-opted member if necessary. /Continued…

6 CTiC Executive /Continued… CTiC Executive /Continued… The Executive should become the CTiC Council. It should be responsible for conducting the ecumenical business of the county. A close relationship with the Church Leaders group will be essential. The Executive (Council) will be responsible for ensuring the effective line management of both officers. It will meet three times p.a. (more if required). Areas of overlap with the DEO’s meeting will need to be carefully monitored.

7  Church Leaders Meeting When CTiC achieves charitable status, the Church Leaders should be Trustees. Unless Church Leaders are fully involved, CTiC has little or no ‘clout’. Thought must be given to the future of Church Leaders meetings by the Leaders themselves. Can the President of CTiC speak for the Leaders if required? The President of CTiC should be appointed by the Church Leaders. The Church Leaders group must be a meeting of peers, not representatives.

8  President of CTiC  President of CTiC Should be appointed for at least three years. Should have the full confidence of the Church Leaders, by whom he or she will be appointed. May be clerical or lay.

9  Vice-President of CTiC  Vice-President of CTiC Should be a role in its own right, without automatic succession as President. Will normally be line-manager of the CEDO (unless a DEO). Will be appointed by the DEO’s group, preferably for a substantial period.

10 Secretary to CTiC Secretary to CTiC Review in light of gifting of new CEDO

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