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Public Relation Skills. PR Relations seeks to influence the opinion of the public towards the organization  Public relations relates to the deliberate.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Relation Skills. PR Relations seeks to influence the opinion of the public towards the organization  Public relations relates to the deliberate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Relation Skills

2 PR Relations seeks to influence the opinion of the public towards the organization  Public relations relates to the deliberate and organized efforts made by organizations to build and maintain beneficial relationship with the target group as well as the cross section of the community within which they operate.  The public relation department in any business seeks to influence the opinions and perceptions of the people.  The tools that are used in public relations are many and varied:

3 Publicity Advertisement Brochure Pamphlets Newsletters Corporate films and presentations And Press meets. PR’s activity seeks to focus on the name and image of the organization and translate them into business gains.

4 Any public relations exercise should encompass both stakeholders and public Public relations and image – building activities should necessarily encompass all stakeholders. The stakeholders of any organization are the owners, the employees, the customers and the community. In the context of PR the word public would include the government Press Media Competitors Regulators Trade associations Opinion makers

5 Good corporate mostly give back to society. Every organization is also a member of the community and, as such, should endeavor to be a good corporate citizen. It should maintain good community relations and should contribute to the maintenance of gardens and parks, undertake environmental protection activities and participate in community development programs. This is one way of sharing wealth. Such actions help build a positive feeling within the community towards the organization.

6 Every employee has a role to play as a public relation functionary Almost every employee comes into contact with public, each employee has a role to play. Similarly, every satisfied customer acts as an ambassador or a public relations officer. It is said that the most effective publicity is a word of mouth publicity, more so when it comes from opinion makers.

7 Any positive public relations effort should shun manipulation Public relations and image building are removed from manipulations and false projections. PR relations efforts should not be founded on half truths and false propaganda. The public will not tolerate tall claims and high sounding words that are void of intrinsic merit. Any such effort would be short lived and counter productive. People can see through make believe stories and would soon get real facts. The words of Emerson stand out loud and clear, ‘what you are thunders so loudly, I cannot hear a word you say’.

8 PR, also has a major role to play in damage control It plays a major role in damage control too. If an organization is involved in an unsavory dealing or any kind of controversy, the PR, machinery should jump into action and make every effort to contain the damage and protect the reputation that has been built over the years.

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